twisterbret Posted June 2, 2006 Share Posted June 2, 2006 Once again I'm a little slow at this photo report thing so everyone has theirs up already Hey look is a rare SkyDiver Kerri! You have to ride with me. CLOSED!! Conner grabbed those handles like he was born to do it. I like the stick idea he didn't even know I was helping. Sometimes I would back off and he would just keep on going. Check out that Mullet!! Stupid Bret Dark Ride!! It wasn't to bad. It was very quite in there. Not one scene made any sounds. These things are brand new. They are fast, a little to fast to do much. Being so new you think they would have added a brake of some kind into the design. Nope, round and round for like 10 min before the ops come out and grab your car to a stop. I'm so glad this was closed, those cables look extra scary! Conner has some concerns because the lead Engine is leaning bad to one side. From this view you could swear the park was really nice. Don't let my pictures full you it's a blacktop parking lot with some rides, a lot of fat people with no teeth, and a parking lot filled with used cars from 1976. Again, if I zoomed out you would see this lake is small and the parking lot just off to are side. Straight ahead is the footings for there removed shuttle loop, which was the Kings Cobra from Kings Island. If you look at the sign you can see it costs 2.00 for that crappy mini golf. Why have 18 holes and you can have 8, 9 if you can the a$$ sticking out from behind the booth At least there is the classic loop going on. Conner's first coaster ride ever! He's 22 months old. He loved it so much I took him on it again. He loves rides and we don't force him on anything. HA HA I bet know one throws all of these kiddie ride photos on here. We all started on these rides and this one is a classic. Check out the rope and how it 's fastened. I forgot all about that. Yes even this kiddie whip has more forces then the lame Knoebels one. I wasn't sure how Conner was going to react to it since there really isn't a seatbelt. One whip around the corner and the G's put a big old smile on his face. Just like his Dad just much improved. Camden Park was a dump that wasn't the 63.00 we paid to get into it. But because Conner rode a wood coaster all is forgiven. West Virginia is most interesting. One lady was so fat, her a$$ matched the front. I swear you couldn't tell one end from the other. All the ride ops got F'd up teeth with TOTS (Teeth on Teeth). But I can say everyone was nice and the food wasn't half bad. If you are single, don't be looking to hook up at this park unless 1 tooth is ok with you. The ride up I-79 was amazing and I would do it again in a heartbeat! Thanks for looking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toddlong Posted June 2, 2006 Share Posted June 2, 2006 Observations... 1. If they slowed down the Flying Scooters could you get much action or does the fact it's an 8 tub make that impossible? 2. The train. I assume it still goes clockwise. They ought to turn it around and over the next 50 years it would straigten back up. 3. So where the hell are all the pics of the fat people? 4 What did you think of the Big Dipper? 5.What did you eat there? Pronto Pups (corn dogs) seem to be the signature food. Todd Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
twisterbret Posted June 2, 2006 Author Share Posted June 2, 2006 I think if they slowed it down it would work. There was plenty of sail movement. I wish I would have gotten a second ride. The train still goes clockwise. We were so busy trying to ride everything because I had to drive another 3 hours, I didn't get to take some of the pictures I wanted. One lady was so fat, I made a new game it was called " Find the Breasts". I couldn't tell if it was gut or boob ..they just kinda joined in the middle somewhere. derek has a great gut photo. Next time I'm going back if there is one's with you Observations... 1. If they slowed down the Flying Scooters could you get much action or does the fact it's an 8 tub make that impossible? 2. The train. I assume it still goes clockwise. They ought to turn it around and over the next 50 years it would straigten back up. 3. So where the hell are all the pics of the fat people? 4 What did you think of the Big Dipper? 5.What did you eat there? Pronto Pups (corn dogs) seem to be the signature food. Todd Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J.R. Posted June 3, 2006 Share Posted June 3, 2006 ^^Todd, there's a few pictures of West Virginia's finest in my Camden Photo TR: -Janna Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoasterFanatic Posted June 3, 2006 Share Posted June 3, 2006 ^ How far away from WV do you live again. You just might be guilty by association. Anyway, say what you will about the park, the price on your son's face is priceless. He looks like he is having the time of his life. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AirTime! Posted June 15, 2006 Share Posted June 15, 2006 Twisterbret, I just wanted you to know that you are NOT funny! I understand fully that the Theme Park Review website is meant to poke good fun, and is intended to bring us light hearted humor. Please, I beg of you though, leave the funny trip reports to Robb and Elissa. Those guys have me rolling with laughter almost every report. You, however, appalled me with your report. I know Camden Park is not the greatest place on earth, but you must understand what Camden is and what it’s not. Camden Park is a classic, traditional park intended for families to enjoy. It is not a modern thrill park nor should it be expected to act like one. Camden Park has made great strives in just the last few years in making a positive turnaround. In the 90's it was feared that Camden Park, like many other traditional parks, would fall to the wayside. New management changed that and now the park has a brighter future. You need not go to Camden Park if you don’t like classic flat rides or the feel of a traditional park. Camden Park has 2 registered ACE coaster classics, the Big Dipper and Little Dipper. A Whip that came from Coney Island, and runs better than any Whip in the U.S. It also has one of the last Haunted Houses of it’s kind. Camden is like many beach front boardwalk amusement parks, and I thank goodness it is still available for our enjoyment. Negative attitudes towards parks like this lead to their destruction. Everybody wonders what ever happened to the charming, small mom and pop family ran amusement park......we killed them with our negative attitudes. You can bash Camden Park all you like, many uninformed people do, but do not criticize the fine people of West Virginia. It’s offensive when you make fun of people for their weight and looks. How dare you assume that all West Virginians are fat, toothless, and uneducated hillbillies. Yes, West Virginia has people like that but so does everywhere else on the planet. You can find different people no matter where you go. Its not of good taste to go around pointing out an overweight person or somebody’s negative flaws. My goodness if that was acceptable we could go on about you and your looks for quiet a while. The same principal goes for your report about Camden. At least Rob and the gang post positive things as well. Talk about West Virginians being uneducated I think you could of used a little grammar and spelling lesson by the looks of your report. You said yourself that the people at Camden were nice. So what being nice doesn’t count for anything anymore? I’m not trying to offend you. I’m just trying to get rid of some of the negative light that has been shed on Camden Park. I encourage all to visit this amazing little park filled with 28 fun rides, classic midway games, and traditional amusement park food. The look on Twister’s son’s face says it all. Most importantly, though, im taking up for the fine people of the great state of West Virginia. They are truly some of the nicest people around. As for the state, itself, it is one of the most beautiful places on earth. -AirTime! (Future Governor of WV lol) By the way if you are going to post something know what you are talking about. The King Cobra was never at Camden Park. That’s the Screamin’ Demon (Thunderbolt Express) you see. See you at Camden Park! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BelizeIt Posted June 15, 2006 Share Posted June 15, 2006 ^So AirTime, just how long have you been working at Camden Park? Because, the passionate and rather defensive response you posted, goes well beyond just being "upset" with twisterbrets Trip Report. If twisterbret felt the park was a dump, then he is free to express his opinion. The fact that his opinion isn't the same as yours doesn't make it wrong. Even though he felt the park was a dump, it looks like he still enjoyed his trip; he did say he was happy that his son Conner had the chance to ride a wooden coaster. As for the descriptions of the other patrons at the park being overweight/toothless Etc... This has been done on countless other Trip Reports. It's interesting how those other trip reports didn't offend you, but this one did? Nor did he ever call anyone an uneducated hillbilly; that was your personal description. You also claim that it's wrong for someone like twisterbret to point out somebody's "Flaws", when in your very next sentence you level a personal attack against him. (That says a lot about you! Hypocrite!!!) Well AirTime, you obviously are very fond of Camden Park, so why don't you do a Photo Trip Report about it. You can point out all of the positive aspects about this park, and encourage others to visit. Afterall, these smaller Theme Parks (like Camden) are going to be around for a while, not everyone wants to take a trip to Florida or Orange County to visit the mighty Disney empire. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoasterAddiction7 Posted June 15, 2006 Share Posted June 15, 2006 Twisterbret, Your Photo TR is great! Don't mind Airtime!, those pictures were funny and you have a right with your opinion. I'm glad you had fun at Camden Park! I would like to ask you a few questions... 1. How crowded was it? 2. What did they serve for food? Was it cheap, or expensive? 3. Was the woodie great? CoasterAddiction7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AirTime! Posted June 16, 2006 Share Posted June 16, 2006 I do apologize for my tone and some of the cheap shots I may of threw in towards Twist. I also may of blended his report with a similar report by Janna and crew. Again, I say I’m sorry. I will not apologize, however, for my response as a whole. I still think the report was overall offensive and continues to feed a negative sense of stereotypes. It also may detour people from visiting a great park and state. Again, I send out an invitation, to all people who honestly appreciate amusement parks, to visit Camden Park. By the way, I have never worked at Camden Park. They say it’s scary there! Of course, I wouldn’t know I’ve never even been to the dump!........haha j/p Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DATman Posted June 16, 2006 Share Posted June 16, 2006 ^You do realize that you just poked fun at the same place you ranted about him poking fun towoards. Plus, you've never even been there, so how can you judge if he's right or wrong? I liked the PTR, but next time, you can put more than one pic in your posts. If its because of the captions, you can still write them in the description part of the attachment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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