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Parque de Atracciones, Spain - Photo and VIDEO Trip Report!

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Looks like the Spanish don't know how to queue also.


Don´t generalize.


Some illustrations of this would be the siesta hour (or two) that a lot of businesses take in the middle of the day, as well as the fact that almost nothing is open on Sundays. And don't forget that the dinner hour is pushing 9pm... or beyond!


You have a great ignorance in spanish culture:


1.The siesta usually takes 30 or 40 min. Not all spanish people sleep the siesta. Only small establishments are closed in the midday and the reason isn´t the "siesta".


2. The dinner hour is later that 9 pm because people gets out of the work at 8.30 pm. or 9.00 or even later. I have dinner sometimes at 11.00 pm(And have to wake up next morning at 7.30 am).


And finally, Parque de atracciones has lots of customers of low social category and very bad education (like gypsy, "macarras" (in english I don´t know the word), or bad immigrants (I´m not a racist).

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I'll admit I am very slow to read things sometimes, especially if they don't jump out in the interest department to me (which Parque would entail) -- guess I'm not a very good TPR member


I gotta say that I am very disappointed when I see a ride going from the midst of maintenece work of some kind requiring scaffolding to open in the same day yet people complain about how long it takes? Can you guys be serious, I mean take the Deja Vu at any American park and it would take 3 days just to remove the scaffolding and another week before they even thought of running a train


Being late an hour there seems kinda picky and overly demanding...


Anywho the park looks pretty sweet IMO and I can't argue against a park with a sky ride. I really like the spiders all over Tarantula too, looks pretty sweet.


- Joe, who just like everybody, has the right to their opinion

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^I think the point was that it was nowhere informed that the ride would be closed, or open later or anything. There were only 4 rides on the 'rides closed' board.


I was shocked that it even opened at all with scaffolding on it! Don't get me wrong there, the point was we could have planned our day differently if they told us it wouldn't open until 4pm. Instead of it supposedly being open for noon, then 1, then 2, etc.


At WBMW they listed StuntFall as Closed, and I respect that. I asked someone and they said it might open later. To me, that system works a lot better.

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So seeing scaffolding on the ride isn't a good enough sign that the ride wouldn't be open?


Probably no glaring board somewhere because it looked like they DID have intentions of reopening it, and where not posting that it was closed => complaining that it took longer than expected is beyond me - of course y'alls logic makes sense to yourselves, and that's all that matters I guess, but I totally don't get it.

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No hostility, at least not from me, i just think that I would have been AMAZED to see a ride open under those circumstances and that I personally find y'all to be INSANE to complain about it still.


Maybe I just don't get out enough, I mean I guess a park removing scafolding and opening a ride like that is common :-\

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Again, we WERE AMAZED!!! And maybe when you see the full video you'll see. We were congratulating the Spanish scaffolding dudes!


Do you at least see my point that if we had known that the ride wouldn't open until 4, we could have done other stuff that day? That was our complaint, not that it was open/not open/got it open, etc.

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OK, time to un-stick this. If you haven't seen our photo and video update from this trip (4 videos including two coaster POVs) check out this link:




Overall, the park was "ok" and it could have been a lot better if it wasn't for some poor operations. At the end of the day we did get on everything we wanted to, it just took a LONG time.



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