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Coaster pants

Coaster pants

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Having spent too much money on cargo shorts or pants of low quality or loose pockets where your phone or vape pen flys away, I finally found some reasonablly priced cargo pants/shorts that:

1. Don't make your legs look inflated with huge pockets.

2. No loose threads, buttons, zippers, etc...  Appears and feels like quality construction for a resonable price.

3. These and TEMUs cargos are both made in China but these are actually great quality.  I like these better than anything I have purchased from Macy's, Costco, Sam's Club, Columbia or Kohl's.

4. These are good enough for a few of my local law enforcement friends and actually wear well, so I am using as a daily work wear as a contractor / flooring sales.

These are the prices I paid.  You should use a junk email address to sign up and use any discount codes.   The items fit as described with individual descriptions below:

In order of prefference are:

1. Core Cargo Shorts (boulder) and the Core Cargo Pants (charcoal) are my favorites of the purchase.  Both have velcro front flap thigh pockets with a solid seal on the pockets and will fit a phone up to the iPhone Max, Pixel Pro or Galaxy S+/Ultras.  The charcoal Core Cargo pants were at my condo so I didn't photo them.  I am guessing any color is fine but these were the less expensive and yet my favorites.

2. Stealth Cargo Pants (black) are nice but the cargo pockets are slick and if you forgot to zip them, anything inside will fly out on some rides :-(  Plus the zipper strings for the cargo pockets hit your legs when you walk although not very hard.  I don't think these are worth $5 more than the Core Cargo Pants.

3. Atlas Tactical Pants (boulder) have some sort of weird butt/saddle area that is made for running but are not super attractive.  They are the (boulder) color pants in the middle of the below photo and while I am not returning them, they don't look great for being $10 more expensive.  I will wear these hiking but they are more practical than fashionable.



I don't work for these people or receive a referral bonus; or I would have been more positive on my review.  I would stick to the cheaper Core Cargo line and use a coupon code that you can get by visiting their website.  They will send you a daily email reminding you they existing so use a junk email address when signing up or get SPAMed for life.


Photos: shorts, tactical and stealth pants back sides.  Weird butt area on the tactical pants in the middle.  I left my Core Cargo pants at home so no photos.


Front side of the same



Shorts great, tactical pants okay


Stealth pants good, core pants great.




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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Nrthwnd said:

^ Well, you certainly have a 'win' there, in the "Last Item Bought" thread, lol.


I wish the front cargo pockets fit 375 ml bottles of Captain Morrgan as that would be awesome!  I would need a bottle of clear on the left knee and dark on the right knee with a tactical backpack full of Dr Pepper and Coke bottles for mixers.  I didn't know there was a last item bought thread or I would have listed it there.  Thanks for the info.

Edited by SoCalJasonland
jason stupido
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I'll chime in that I always wear mt bike shorts when going to a park.  I've got a few different pair that all have 2 big zippered pockets so no way anything's gonna fly out.  The fabric dries out extra quick too if I get drenched on a water ride!

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