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Decisions, Decisions: Trip Planning 2022

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Hi Everyone,

Trying to do some planning for my annual "coaster desert escape", and was hoping to get some help.

I have the parks picked out (looking at WoF, SDC, HW, KK, and KI), and I'll probably ask more specific questions about them later in their respective threads once I confirm which ones I'm actually going to. Here I just have some more general questions:

I know both will be busy weekends in July, but is it better to do King's Island on a Saturday, or SDC on a Sunday, assuming no Fast Lane/Trailblazer? Sadly, skip-the-lines are just not in the cards for this trip! 

Assuming we skip the water parks (yes, I know Splashing Safari is an amazing water park...), is it reasonably possible to do Holiday World and Kentucky Kingdom in a single day and enjoy both parks (i.e. not credit-whoring!), if you start at HW? Or would a day at each be better?

Can KK fill an entire day or even at least most of a whole day, even without the water park?

Thanks everyone in advance! I really appreciate any advice you could give!

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Kings Island without FL+ is a HUGE mistake.  Just sayin.

Pinch pennies, and buy it for whatever day you go. . .w/ FL+ it really won't matter if it's Sat or Sun. . .as many have also said, FL+ at KI is magic:  it's on 90% of the rides (coasters/flats), and almost 95% of them drop you directly in the station from FL+ line.

as I've said in the TPR FB page when someone asked about KI, I'm going in 2 weeks for Coasterstock - with *tons* of ERT both days. .and we STILL bought FL+ for that Sat to use during the day between ERT sessions.

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to add. . DON'T give in and just get FL. . you want FL+, as that's the one that will give you access to Orion, Mystic Timbers, Flight of Fear, and Beast (and the Antique Taxis, which are beautiful, if not very exciting. . tho they do run right next to Racer, and offer some great photo ops).

Can't advise on HW or KK in same day, as never been to those parks (my 1st visit will be in 2 weeks). . . tho we are planning a full day at HW on the way to KI - and have been told DO NOT MISS the 4 water coasters in the waterpark area.     and then only 1/2 day at KK on the way back from KI.

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If you're not doing waterparks then you can absolutely do Kentucky Kingdom and Holiday World in 1 day. Just be aware that if you do Holiday World first you will lose an hour because of the time zones. I also wouldn't spend equal time at both parks. I would spend an extra hour or two at Holiday World. 

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