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Photo TR: Heyuan Plaza (June 9, 2017)

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June 9, 2017: Heyuan Plaza, Heyuan, Guangdong, China


I am visiting Heyuan for the weekend. I got into town early this evening and decided to go to Heyuan Plaza. I discovered this place a few years ago online. They had a powered coaster at the time. Upon arriving, I noticed that a lot of rides had been replaced by newer rides. The powered coaster is now gone. The water park is gone. A Golden Horse Spinning Coaster is here. There are about 15 rides in total. They are all well kept. Heyuan Plaza became park #527 for me to visit. I got there just as the sun was setting for the evening.


It is almost 7 pm and I have arrived at Heyuan Plaza. It will be dark soon.


This was the first ride to greet me when I entered the amusement area.


The lights came on just as I arrived.


The carousel is very nice.


Here is the Haunted House. It is a walk through attraction.


Ahhhh...yes....another Golden Horse Spinning Coaster. This one is not on RCDB or the ACE coaster census.


Same design....same color scheme. It is coaster #1061 for me to ride and coaster #382 for me to discover before ACE or RCDB.

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I'm imagining like me you are tired of those darn spinners by now. Every little city park seems to have one. Looking at the car and restraints on this one it seems to be missing the chains that a lot of them have. Always wondered why they were a thing.


As far as little city parks go this seems like one of the nicer and better maintained ones.

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