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Funzones Worlds of Wonder [RCT2, 185x185]

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Another park comes from me under the Funzones label after Funzones Ulrich Lake. Yep, another lake park based on a real life park, this time the park is based on Geauga Lake during the SFWOA era. Funzones Worlds of Wonder or as locals call it "WOW" for short, combines three parks into one, with a wild life, wild rides, and water park area called HydroCity.


So far, the Wild Life entrance has neared completion. Heres a screen.


The Wild Life side entry.

Edited by Homer
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  • 1 month later...

Well, I had to totally restart the part where I forgot to check wooden coaster. But, reset and more complete then ever. Heres a HUGE recap of my project.


Latest Screens;

Funzones Worlds of Wonder did not leave out the kids. Kidzone, providing pint sized thrills for little ones, has began construction. Kidzone Fun Factory is under construction, RockIt Ships, Leap Frog tower, Hang Gliders, Kidzone Aviator, Big Rigs, and Kidzone Driving School.


I am near completed with the play structure. Heres a newer screen.



This project has been going on for awhile and here are some older screens;


Merry Dips (1923, John Allen) screens (3/16/05)




SkyTower and Merry Dips (3/1)



Waterlogged! log flume and CCI wooden Bandit. Also, Panda exhibit called Pandamonium (3/25)




Sting Rays exhibit, Monkey Jungle, and Firebird (3/29)





SOAR! B&M Flying Coaster and Speed Slides (4/2)




Kidzone Danglething Jr. Invert, Old Timers ,and Pendulumania (April, 2005)




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  • 4 weeks later...

Alright, I decided to release this "update" a day early. My summer has officially begun...


First up, some Hydrocity Water Park updates...

Tidal Force Wave Pool.


Based on Six Flags' Hurricane Mountain slides, Hydro Mountain is Hydrocity's icon for the waterpark that can be seen from most of the park.


Last Hydrocity screen... Hydrocity's "beachside" picnic area on the shore of Wonder Lake.


The true AIRTIME machine and full of pride, this years BIG addition is an Intamin Mega coaster reaching heights of 250ft. called Patriot.


This screen shows off a stretch of land that contains three attractions. The first is the World Transporter skyride, the second is an Intamin Impulse called Pulse. The third item is a laser light fireworks show called BLAST! that shows during Summer nights. Don't worry, the rides on the stretch close 1 hour before BLAST! starts.


Thats it... Comments?

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 8 months later...

OH SNAP! An update? Well, out of boredom I've been improving things here and there and everywhichway, hopefully actually getting it complete this time.


First off, I *almost* completed the water park, heck of a lot different compared to the earlier screens and has more to do.


Second off, new for 2006 is Ice Age Adventure, a motion simulator film based on the two successful CGI-animated films. Debuting at Movie Park Germany in 2005, Funzones Parks have exclusively signed a deal with 20th Century Fox to use their movies/shows as attractions (much like Six Flags and WB).


And lastly, theres an incomplete Polar Encounter exhibit. Polar Encounter contains exhibits featuring Penguins, Walruses, and Polar Bears. Now you can chill out with chilly animals without venturing to the extremes of the Earth.

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