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What is the best amusement park game?

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If you stick with the bare bones of the games, RCT2 is the best. Out of the box it has the best tools to make a realistic park. If you download custom content however, RCT3 is far superior in almost every facet (in my opinion). The ability to maneuver the camera in any angle separates RCT3 from other games. Most of the time when I look at RCT2, I feel like I'm looking at a park map but RCT3 puts me in the middle of the park as if I'm a guest myself.


Also RCT3 has more possibility. With the on ride camera, you can build extremely complex dark rides and time them to coincide with lasers and particle effects. Additionally you can get a much more true ride experience and actually see what your coasters would be like to actually ride through.


But with almost any game you can make some fantastic work.






The RCT3 photos are of my own projects. RCT2 is not my own and was used to show the full extent of the game's capabilities. All credit goes to the creator.

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I've always seen the games as if you just want to build a park and have fun, then RCT2. But if you want to go in detail with rides and what not, easily RCT3. I've never played No Limits, just designing coasters doesn't enthuse me. I like building fully functional parks. Both RCT games are fun to play. I've spent so much time in RCT3 that unless something happened to the disk, I would go back to RCT2.

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