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Dreamworld, Cedar Point and Movie World Australia

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Hi guys, I've been around many of the Australian theme park sites for a while but have only recently discovered this great site. So I thought I would start out by posting a few of the parks I have built in RCT2 and RCT3.


Firstly I have Warner Bros Movie World Australia which I built quite a while ago in RCT2 before I became a regular visitor to the park, but this great Australian park will no doubt be the home to one of the greatest rocket coasters in the world - Superman: Escape - come the end of the year. Also to note that the interior of the great Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster in my recreation is rather inaccurate (but bear in mind that when I built this park I had only been on it twice and couldn't remember the layout at the time). This park uses Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 and the Wacky Worlds expansion and custom scenery so hopefully it might work. I haven't installed RCT2 on my computer yet so I'll eventually get around to posting a screenshot for those without the game.


Secondly, a completed Dreamworld in RCT3 - also an Australian park. This park - for those who don't know - contains a reverse freefall similar to the one at SFMM with the Giant Drop (tallest verticle drop ride) on its side (though of course this is impossible in RCT3 so it looks strange with two towers unfortunately). I warn that I put too much scenery in this park and also a lot (for some unknown reason) of trees around the edges so this park lags quite alot and will require graphics to be turned down for it to run smoothly. Generally though I was quite happy with this park.


Thirdly, I began working on a recreation of Cedar Point (a park I have never been to, but based on photos collected from around the net), but unfortunately I never managed to finish it. This file though includes the front part of the park including Raptor, Blue Streak, Wicked Twister and a few others that I managed to get built. A final screenshot can be found here - http://img173.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img173&image=cedarpoint0408hc.jpg.


These files are able to be accesed from a Geocities site I created to host them - http://www.geocities.com/matty_o_rct/ but this will very quickly run out of bandwidth so I will try and find the files to post directly here.


Hope you like what I have done and also give you non-Australians a chance to see what our two best parks (sort of) look like.


Unzip into the 'Start New Scenario' folder of RCT3 I think. (Doesn't require Soaked).

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