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October 12th-14th Cedar Point/ King Island Trip


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Hey there Robb and/or Elissa


My wife and I are flying from Los Angeles to Detroit and we're arriving in Detroit at 11:35pm. We decided to fly to Detroit from LA because the flights were cheaper than flying to Cleveland. Recently I just learned that Kings Island is about 230 miles away so that's making us lean into making this a 2 park trip in two and a half days but we don't want to be too tired to enjoy Cedar Point with all the driving around.


The drive from Detroit to Kings Island is around 3hr and 40 mins so I know I won't have the energy to drive after we arrive at the airport so we would have to spend the night. From the directions on goolge maps it says it takes the same time to drive from Kings Island to Cedar Point. So even though it would be great going to both parks it looks like it my be a hassel and physically draining to be driving across Ohio in two and a half days.


Seeing that you and your family have done countless trips over the years, I wanted to ask for your personal opinion about trying to cram the two parks in such a short time for our first time traveling to the midwest. Should we just cool down our jets and just make sure we enjoy Cedar Point on good rest, or is it possible and worth it to try to cram both parks in that time frame?


Any ideas, thoughts, or advice on anything would help because our trip is 36 days away. Thanks again, I really appreciate it!

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I'd just go Cedar Point. Especially if you haven't been there before it'd be worth the full two days at the park. KI is a great park but I wouldn't want to rush CP just to head there. Save it for another trip when you have more time.

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If its unlikely you will be making another trip to include kings island in the next few years personally I'd try and make both parks.


If all goes to plan my wife and I may be at cedar point that same weekend. Enjoy your trip!

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You're coming from LA so you'll be in your rental car and it will only feel like 10:15pm to you. You could have rested on the flight and you'll be excited once you land, I don't see why you couldn't make the drive. As an added bonus, there won't be traffic!


I understand that some people can't function as well as we do after a flight, I've seen people collapse pathetically after a redeye, so you have to judge what's best, but I would go for it!

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Thank you all for the advice. I did forget about the 3 hour difference when we land. I'm pretty sure we'll be so excited for our trip that we'll "go all out" and go to both parks. My wife loves road trips anyways, so I pretty much going to be her chauffeur and drive where she wants... I mean where we want! LOL!


Happy wife, Happy life!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

You can do both in two days! I've picked up friends from DTW, and had a coaster marathon weekend before with no issues to CP and KI - just be prepared for little sleep, and your favorite cup of Joe (if you usually drink coffee) ... there are really good donuts & cheap coffee too at "Jolly Donut" while you are minutes away from CP...


Recently, a few from here joined me and we also hit CP and KI over the weekend recently - no traffic, peaceful atmosphere. Everyone agreed, The Beast and Diamondback have been really great rides especially at night - there are many other rides at KI that are worth a few extra hours driving...might as well put those 'unlimited miles' to good use!


I may may also be at CP Sunday... I'm shooting a fireworks shoew Saturday night a few hours from DTW.


Most of all, enjoy the Fall here in the Midwest to the fullest. Sounds like you have everything planned.

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