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How do you make those cool, multi-level buildings in your RCT2 parks?

How do you make those cool coaster supports in your RCT2 parks? (I notice there are theming objects, I just don't know how to put it all together)

How do you make those cool supports over some of the walkways? (zburns had that in his latest park, I see)


anyone want to teach us via the thread how to do this stuff?

(*cough*Hattuchili, zburns, etc..*cough*)


thanks in advance!

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Most of it takes a TON of patience, and the camera angles, for those using RCT3, are very helpful on advanced mode. The supports are either the wooden block thingys (i havent played that in FOREVER0 or the factory smokestacks. Usually the factory ones are for B&M's and Vekoma's, and the wooden ones are for arrow's and intamins. It takes a lot of time and imagination to meke each building, and if you think it lacks, post a pic on the forum and all of us will pitch in. That's about all i can say, so i'll leave the rest to the experts.


For RCT3, use, as i said, the advanced camera mode because it makes the whole thing easier. Also, the supports i haven't really done, since not much has been given for that, except the ones for deja. Use lot's of color to reflect the mood of the areas. Try to tell a kind of story with each building. If you want it to be cold and dark, use greys and blacks, and use bright colors for open, happy places.

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I've always thought I am extremely lazy with theming. I only add supports on woodens coasters, Intamins, Arrows, and Schwarzkopfs, because in my opinion, the mechanical supports look too bulky. It really only takes me about 5-10 minutes to add supports to an average coaster (it takes a LONG time for a big one). So, overall, my advice is to just try it a few times. If you like it keep at it, and if you don't, forget it (I could care less if a coaster has fancy supports or not, although sometimes it looks cool 8) ). After a while it becomes habbit and it takes a short amount of time.

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ah yes, well... rct2 stuff... a quick lil tutorial:


pick a piece of scenery, move your cursor over a ground tile so the ground tile becomes highlighted, then you can press and hold the shift key, raising or lower the piece of scenery.


now, place an object up like, 3 levels.


then... pick a piece of scenery (the same one if you want), point your cursor at the previous piece and then press and hold the ctrl key. You can now move the piece of scenery anywhere at that specific level of height, the level which the previous piece resides (3 levels up). Place a piece of scenery 2 spaces away from the previous one at that height via ctrl.


Now, point the cursor at the second piece, and press and hold ctrl to start from that piece. Then, also press and hold shift. You may now raise or lower a piece, with both keys held. Note that natural scenery, like most trees and flowers, cannot be raised unless you re-import them into game as artificial through DImport.


Using this method, you can pretty much build anything anywhere. Castle in the sky? No problem. Shift and Ctrl will be glad to help. And so ends this tutorial.


I hope this is what you were looking for enjoy.

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If you want to see how crazy people can get with RCT2 and 3, check out this website:




I used to build parks for the website myself, a long time ago. It's gotten so crazy now, I couldn't even begin to compete. Plus, I don't have the time anymore!


You can find a ton of new scenery to install into the game through that website too. Also check out www.rctmart.com for some cool Disney scenery.



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If you want to see how crazy people can get with RCT2 and 3, check out this website:




I used to build parks for the website myself, a long time ago. It's gotten so crazy now, I couldn't even begin to compete. Plus, I don't have the time anymore!


You can find a ton of new scenery to install into the game through that website too. Also check out www.rctmart.com for some cool Disney scenery.




ah, so were you a parkmaker, or just one of those guys that post screens in the ad district? What was your SN? You RWAdams? See the park I posted?


I'm only here cuz corky's a funny guy and linked me here (and introduced me to a few people from here at the SFMM meet ), so I thought I'd stick around!

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