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Good overviews of entire coaster stations?

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First of all - My apologies if this is the wrong part of the forum to post this. Feel free to move it. Just seemed like it fits best here.


Well, I'm studying 3D modeling, and we're supposed to model some sort of room. I decided to model a coaster station - but for that, I need references.

And finding good overviews of a coaster station is harder than you'd think. The ones I found were either partial(only showing a small part of the station), full of too many people, blocking the view of the room, or they were too open (Seeing as I can't start modeling everything outside the station, I'd prefer one that's as closed-off as possible(windows, or where the train enters/leaves is okay, of course, but it can't be a totally open, no-walls building.


If you guys could help me look, or have some pictures that show off certain stations nicely, I'd very much appreciate it!

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There's really no fully enclosed coaster stations that I can think of besides the indoor ones. If you can, just do giant windows where it would normally be open.


Here's an ideal station in my sense:


• The station itself must be pretty decently sized, but nothing too big and usually isn't too much longer than the coaster train. Good example of this is Diamondback, it's not too big, but can still hold a lot of guests with plenty of room for the employees to move around.

• Control booths on a coaster must have full view of the guests, preferably for the controls to be enclosed, but open ones are fine. Can be located on any corner of the station, unless it's a special case like a B&M winged coaster or a racer where they're mainly located in the center.

• Exit and entrances must be on opposite sides of the platform. We saw how well only having one side for an exit/entrance on Skyrush did. The coaster track is not always centered in the station, it's usually offset with the entrance side being slightly bigger.


Here's a little layout for example how a station maybe laid out. This is for a 2 row, 3 car train. Imagine like a single Maverick train.


_______________________________    Exit    _______________________________
|                                                                |Control|
|                                                                | Booth |
|                                                                |       |
|                                                                |_______|
|                                                                        |
|                                                                        | _________________________________________________________________________

         Direction of Travel    ----->   Coaster Track 
                            Gap For Employees
|                                                                        |
|           |------|------|___|------|------|___|------|------|          |
|           |      |      |   |      |      |   |      |      |          |
|           |      |      |   |      |      |   |      |      |          |
|           |      |      |___|      |      |___|      |      |          |
|           |                                                 |          |
|           |                      Gates                      |          |
|           |                                                 |          |
|___________|__________________   Entrance  __________________|__________|

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^^The more options you can give me the better, I can look at pictures and think which one will be easiest/nicest for me to model.


Of course no station is really fully enclosed except indoors one (though even indoor ones might work, like Vogel rok at Efetling), but, to give an example or two - El Toro, The Legend at holiday world, etc. They aren't too open, only some minimal windows and entrance/exits for people and train.


Basically any coaster who's views to the outside world isn't TOO extensive - because with those I can get away with just splashing a picture of some trees/an amusement park on a flat surface outside the window (like in TV show sets). But, say, I couldn't mold the station of an average vekoma SLC, because those are usually very open and you can see the rest of the track from inside the station - in which case Id have to model the entire coaster.

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^Yes, B:TR stations are indeed fully enclosed. Superman: Ultimate Flight at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom also has a fully enclosed station. I'm sure that there are plenty of photos of the station in the SFDK discussion thread, especially from the extensive media day coverage. But, yeah, that station is definitely fully enclosed (save for the entrance and exit, as well as two openings for the train itself. Good luck!

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^No, I need one that isn't open.



And yeah, I know B:TR and such have enclose stations but i dont know if theyre maybe too complex to model. BUt in any case if anyone has good photos of any close doff station, hat show off most of it, I'd love to see it

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