thrillrider Posted September 8, 2012 Author Share Posted September 8, 2012 Plus the surprise $10 parking fee. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thrillrider Posted September 10, 2012 Author Share Posted September 10, 2012 Here are a few pictures of great America. I will post a LOT more in a day or two. This is what welcomes you at sfga. How much does it really coast to maintain a parking lot? I totaly understand charging for parking, but this is just crazy. I dont know what entrance I like better....This or Kings island. The park was getting ready for halloween. This is new since I have been there last. Our first ride of the day was x flight. We got there just as the line opend up. I was really impressed with this ride. You could pick right or left. We picked left. The station Train leaving station. How am I supposed to do that? X flight doing it's thing Keyhole I would be happy if every coaster had these seats and restraints. Very comfy. Lot's more pictures of x flight and the rest of the park soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thrillrider Posted September 10, 2012 Author Share Posted September 10, 2012 More sfga pictures. Are they going to reopen the car ride? I thought that honor went to Disney and holiday world? But in all fairness, sfga is a very clean park. The iron wolf station still stands. I will post some more pictures of this later. The little dipper was a lot of fun. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. Lift hill goodness The history of the ride. I still fail to see the value in this. $40? My daughters favorate ride in the park. It's a bummer that they no longer do the pre-show. Ride car. 2 of my favorate things. The sonic, and rollercoasters. When you took a car for a test drive, they give you a voucher for $15 to use in the park. We both did it on both days, and ended up with $60. My favorate themed area in the park. Viper. Viper is a very good woodie. Lots of airtime to be had. More pictures comming soon...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thrillrider Posted September 11, 2012 Author Share Posted September 11, 2012 In this update, we will check out whats left of iron wolf. The east river crawler is no more. They replaced it with this. But no worries, it will return soon. Let's take a look at whats left of iron wolf. The station looks untouched. Where the track used to go into the station. The weeds are starting to take over The signage still hangs in the station. Next to the train station, you can tell where the footers were. The ride area. One last look. More pictures soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
parkjunkie Posted September 12, 2012 Share Posted September 12, 2012 It is seriously hard for me to see Mt. Olympus TR's and not become cynical because I truly think this is the worst amusement park in the country when it comes to service and safety. I can't think of a visit I've had there where I didn't see or hear something appalling in terms of service or safety. It's hard to argue that the place looks like the shining example of safety, yet the only incident I can recall involving Big Chief's/Mt. Olympus is an accidental release of excess chlorine into a wave pool last year. You would never have guessed that if you're going strictly on comments people leave on park/coaster discussion boards. Ive been going to the Dells for for 25 years, Mt. O. since it was Big Chief 2, and I too can not believe there has not been some kind of more major incident safety wise at MT. O. If Six Flags or Cedar Fair Ops depts saw how these parks ran their rides and how there is basically NO safety Ops at all, they would have mass coronaries. I have seen some major issues at this park over the years and even approached workers on how they did things, but this past June took the cake..... JUNE 2012 MT. OLYMPUS: First thing first, we rode Hades. I don't think this BEAUTIFUL coaster has received ANY TLC since it was built. Out of the 30+ woodies I've ridden, this has to be one of the top 3 roughest. Anyway, the train ahead of us loaded up and the ride operator didn't do a lap bar check. Just before he sent the coaster out, I called him out on it. He sat there, stared at me for a minute and then hesitantly and agrily checked everyone's lap bars. When it was our turn to load, the ride operator stared me down and then mumbled something in his native tongue after checking my restraint. Then it was off to Zeus. I've always lked this ride, so I was pretty excited. The line was about 10 minutes long, but as we made it into the station, i noticed the operator getting upset because people were stuck in the restraints. After getting everyone off, they next train was sent out, only to come back with the same problem, this time the front row of the front car, they were unable to get the people out, so they had to call maintainance. About 20 minutes later, 2 maintainance workers showed up and still were unable to get the 2 riders out, but after about 5 more minutes of effort, were able to free them. Now you think they would test the lap bars or at least ATTEMPT to find out what was wrong.... nope, loaded it with people and sent it out...... this is where things go from bad to much worse. The train gets sent out and as it came into the trims before the station, I realized the trims did not work and the train blasted into the station from the high up trims, jolted all the riders extremely hard, and stopped with the first 3 cars out past the station and the back two in the station. The maintainance crew still there from the lap bar issue, chuckled and immediately sent the train out,..... not asking if everyone was OK or wanted to get off. Any large named parks would have e-stopped and evacuated the ride. Numerous people left the line while a few others started yelling at the maintainance crew. I stayed to see what would happen. As the train came back from its run, the trims again failed, not as bad this time with the front car hanging out of the station. Again, no one was asked if they were OK, and no one was given the chance to EVACUATE from the ride even though this time, a few riders were requesting to get off. The third time back, the train was slowed normally through the trims and came back into the station without incident. They again had problems with the lap bars and a few of the 3 time riders gave the staff a piece of their mind. I was 4 trains away from riding but that quickly was narrowed down to 2 after many people got out of line, but curiosity kept me on the dock to see what would happen. You'd never believe it, they loaded the train and sent it out like nothing had ever happened. The next 2 trains made the course without problem, so I decided to ride anyway..... MISTAKE! The ride was sent out and as we made it into the trims, it sounded like an air leak as we shot through the trims and came to a harsh hault partially out of the station. They were about to send us out of the station, when myself and 2 other men yelled a few choice words to the staff, but I think it was when someone yelled "I'm suing" was when they decided not to send the train out. None of us were asked if we were OK and we unloaded... the front car unloaded manually onto the walkway. I then went straight to the maintainance workers, had a few QUESTIONS for them, got there names and went to talk to management. As I walked down the stairs, they sent the train out empty, only for it to return and be loaded with the few guests that had not got out of line. I was blown off by management only to be told that rollercoasters are like any other machine, they encounter problems, but if there seems to be no major issue, they would keep running them. After telling them I have been working in the amusement park industry for almost a decade and who I worked for, they seemed to get more straight faced but at the same time was told they have never had any injuries or major incidents with their rides, so they in essence were as safe as any Cedar Fair or Six Flags park..... HAHA, yah right. Anyway, it seems Mt. Olympus is more concerned with buying up everything in the Dells and staffing it with WELL below-par international workers that are barely trained with sub-par safety guide lines, than to be concerned with safety protocol or the wellfare of their guests. Shame on you Mt. Olympus, the time will come when you will wish you would have spent the extra time and money to properly run your rides before a tragedy strikes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thrillrider Posted September 12, 2012 Author Share Posted September 12, 2012 More pictures tomorrow night. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geauga Dog Posted September 13, 2012 Share Posted September 13, 2012 ^^Wow, simply wow. And people still patronize the place? Sounds like a red flag the state needs to be notified about. Thrillrider, you've captured some great photos. The ones from SFGAm brought back a lot of memories from my visit back in July. Dark Knight, personally, was a big surprise even though it's just a basic mouse in a house. All the mice I've ridden are so badly braked that I was shocked that DK ran brakeless. I thought it was an amazing ride. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thrillrider Posted September 13, 2012 Author Share Posted September 13, 2012 I did see one bad incident happen at Mt O. A seat fell off durring the ride on hades, and the guest got out and handed it to the operator. the ride was down for 15 min while maintenance looked at it. They roped off the row and opened the ride back up minus the seat with no test run. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thrillrider Posted September 14, 2012 Author Share Posted September 14, 2012 Ok....I lied. Not gonna have new pictures up till sunday night. A last min trip to cedarpoint to check out halloweekends just came into play. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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