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Pelican Bay (RCT2)

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Hello, I'm new to TPR and would like to share my first park called Pelican Bay. It's inspired by many different parks I've either visited or heard about. It is a beachfront park with an art deco look and resides next to a baseball stadium which serves as a spring training home for a major league team. I chose the Detroit Tigers since I'm from Upper Michigan originally. The parks' signature coaster is called Purple Rage and was inspired by Intimidator from Carowinds Park with great airtime hills and speed. I hope you like my park and I welcome any comments and suggestions. You can find Pelican Bay at TPR's game exchange ready for download.

Pelican Bay.BMP

Overview of Pelican Bay Park and Baseball Stadium.

Pelican Bay 2.BMP

Entrance Plaza to Pelican Bay Park.

Pelican Bay 3.BMP

Begining of main midway and Purple Rage coaster.

Pelican Bay 4.BMP

Upper midway with the Havok launch coaster and Log Jam flume ride.

Pelican Bay 5.BMP

This section includes Purple Rage coaster, Rapid Fire coaster, Red Rocker coaster and The Shooting Star.

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Its nice that we have another newbie to the site as we always enjoy new people.


VERY nice park! It has very vibrant feel and good use of CS! I love the vibrancy and all, but you might want to tone the colors down a notch. Nice park Cyrbyzz.

Edited by QueerRudie
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Thanks for the compliments everyone as it means a lot to me to get feedback for my efforts. I can see how a little too much color may be a little overboard. I guess I got carried away with the color combos for the art deco look. What did you think of the coasters in the park? My future parks will be a little easier on the eyes I promise.

Edited by QueerRudie
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