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Walt Disney World in January

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So I am a horrible planner when it comes to pretty much anything. Like most other people, I want to go as cheap as I can with the trip. I don't need to go to a water park (I'm not a fan of them anyway) and I want to go to at least three of the parks (Disney of course); some of you mentioned Universal but I'm not planning on going there this trip. Anyone have any suggestions on how to plan a good trip besides avoiding EMH days (which you could tie in to your suggestion)? Of course I do want to go to at least one park that has EMH for that day. If I can save money by not going to one of the parks, I could definitely do that but I'm not sure. This would be my first time going by myself and therefore I don't really know what the best options are; like park hoppers and such. I would however like to go to the parks one day each and not really 'park hop' per-say because I like full days at the parks. I park hopped last time I was there and didn't really like going to two parks in one day; I felt like I missed too much at each park. Would a park hopper still be cheaper or would just buying day passes for each park be cheaper? Stuff like that is what I need help on. For some reason, their website gets kind of confusing for stuff like that (at least for me). Any suggestions help.



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Yeah, January is usually pretty quiet. Check the events calendars to make sure there isn't some crazy cheer-leading thing going on, but even still, I'd think it would be a great time to visit the parks.



Hahaha Those cheerleaders are my sister first time I went it wasn't that bad with all them.But still it gets a decent crowd! But disney always handles it and trust me they talk more than they ride!

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On the same topic, I saw someone say to avoid marathon weekend - unfortunately, that's when we're planning on hitting Magic Kingdom (this Friday) and Hollywood Studios (Sunday, as there's no Fantasmic after that night). Anyone with experience visiting that weekend that can shed some light on how bad it'll be? I know that the Fiesta and the kids' races are on Friday, and the big WDW Marathon is on Sunday. So I'm hoping that Friday is okay, because start and finish is in EPCOT, and Sunday might be a little crowded?

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I've found that if you hit the parks that you'd expect the marathon group to skip then you are fine. I hate to shill for sites that are secondary to TPR, but tourguidemike.com or touringplans.com will get you through your trip with some of the lowest crowds and shortest lines of the year.

Edited by Chroniq
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