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ECOpark [RCT3]

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Hey all,


I'm taking a break from NoLimits (and its one-coaster limit) and moving into RCT3 land for a while.


Welcome to ECOpark - a more efficient amusement park for a more efficient tomorrow. It will be designed to make the most of its space - the map is 102 wide, 108 tall, and the park itself is placed in a fraction of that space. There will be few, if any rides that are on their own - most will cross over or under other rides. The park is also designed to be ran on green energy.


List of attractions revealed so far:

  • DiskO - Zamperla DiskO
  • Riptide Falls - Intamin Flume
  • Robo-Thriller - KUKA Robocoaster
  • Serpent Twister - Mack YoungSTAR Coaster
  • Updraft - B&M Flying Coaster
  • Unknown - Moser Spring Ride
  • Unknown - Playground
  • Rampage - Intamin Mega-Lite
  • Starcharge - Modified Fabbri Booster
  • Sky Flyer - Mondial Windseeker


Please note: the presentation of screenshots will be extremely informal. I'm too lazy to open the park, name someone David Walsh, shoo everybody out, take the shot, edit it to make it all fancy, etc..




But first, I have to show you the car park (or at least the portion that is on the map - in reality it would be much larger).


This section of car park is for handicapped, electric vehicles, hybrid-electric vehicles, and alternative-fuel vehicles only. In keeping with the park's "green" image, these vehicles get priority parking.


Here's the (unfinished) section in its entirety.


Here's a preview of what's to come! This single screenshot shows you just what I mean when I say "space-efficient amusement park". Stay tuned!

Edited by A.J.
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Here's how updates are going to work:

To start, I'll be showcasing most of the attractions in the park's "rough" phase. This will give everyone a feel for the layout of the park and how the attractions interact with each other. Then, I'll be showing the details as the park develops.


Here we go.


This is Robo-Thriller. It whips riders all around and occasionally hangs them close to the water.


DiskO sits amongst the track of ECOpark's family coaster, Serpent Twister. Serpent Twister is a Mack YoungSTAR. The ride gives two laps, and somehow the excitement rating shot above 8!


The red coaster is ECOpark's signature ride - Updraft. It's a B&M Flying Coaster and is the most "interactive" ride in the park. Updraft is also the only flying roller coaster with an inverted loop. Under it is Riptide Falls, an Intamin Flume.


Here's an un-named playground. It sits right on the edge of the land, and gives kids a chance to see if their parents or siblings are on Riptide Falls.

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  • 4 months later...

Just letting everyone know that this project isn't dead yet...


With Lakeshore Boardwalk on hold, I now move back to my first major project...stay tuned!

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I'm working on one of the park's corners right now. I've gotten most of the center finished. Now, I'm going to concentrate on the park's four corners, and then fill in the gaps. So, here we go.


Mega-litey goodness. This is Rampage, an Intamin nonlooping creation, known internally as a "Mega-Lite". It is the second-best roller coaster in the park following closely behind Updraft.


This is Starcharge, a customized Fabbri Booster. Starcharge sends riders head-over-heels at heights of over 120 feet. Riders come very close to Rampage's queue line, as well as Starcharge's own queue line (obviously not finished yet).


This ride is called the Sky Flyer. It's a Mondial Windseeker. It is the tallest ride in the park, and riders sit in swings as they spin around the tower at just under 300 feet in the air.


An overview of the northwest corner.

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