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Photo TR: Camping trip to Pfeiffer Big Sur

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This past weekend Gyendolynne and I went to Pfeiffer Big Sur for a camping trip. This was our 3rd time going here over the past 4 years. We have had a River Site each time. The view and sounds of the river are very relaxing. This was the first time that just the two of us camped. We usually go with a few people. Hope you enjoy the pics.


Highway 1 is a very beautiful, scenic drive


Trip back up the coast.


There was a bit of commotion on Sunday and a rescue team was making their way up the trail. They had climbing gear and wetsuits. I didn't find out what happened though.


A shot of our campsite at night.


Another cold night, and a blazing fire for Gyendolynne


TADA, The SMORE is made.


Before shot of the SMORES...


What's a camping trip without SMORES?


They could really move down the river. It wasn't that deep either


These kids went down the river around 4 times on the rafts. It looked like fun, but I would probably bottom out the raft. :)


The people next to us left food on their table and some squirrels were having fun


These people left on Saturday morning and didn't put their fire out!


The morning was cold too. Look at Gyendolynne bundled up!


Uncle Buck style pancakes in the morning...MMM


See, it's cold


Get that fire going, it's starting to get cold.


I have been known to help with the dishes from time to time


Dinner time! The next best thing I did this trip...EAT


Don't move the rocks


Looking down the River


A shot of me doing what I did best this trip!


The River


Gyendolynne by the River


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This must be the place!

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I never went camping until I met Gyendolynne. I always wanted to go, but we didn't camp growing up. I wish we did. Camping is a great time! Gyendolynne grew up in Colorado and they went camping all the time growing up. They would hike to their campsite unlike California where you drive up to it. She told me that if she couldn't carry it, she couldn't bring it. It is much different here.


The first time we went camping, I was hooked. We have gone at least a couple times a year ever since. The most we camped in a single year was 4 times. We're going to Big Basin in September for our final camping trip of the year. It should be fun.


All this and coasters too!


Never a dull moment and why should there be?

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She told me that if she couldn't carry it, she couldn't bring it.


That reminds of me when I used to go backpacking. 10 days on the trail, carrying almost everything you'll need with you (we did have 1 food pickup halfway, otherwise we carried that too). Fun times and fond memories.

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