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Whitlock Gardens [RCT2]

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Nice update first off.


I do have one suggestion though:


The scarmbler I think is in too much of a thicket for the peeps (in reality) can see what it is. Maybe put bushes around the scarmbler will open up the area and not look as much a s a forest. The goal for a theme park is to make sure guest will ride, but if you're trying to build realistically, I'll leave you with that.


Everything looks nice besides that, GaryGB, so keep it up.

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--Thank you everyone again on for the kind words and suggestions, I read over what everyone has to say, and take all suggestions to heart. I hope you all enjoy my latest update. Also sorry this is a day late, for whatever reason I could no access the TPR website.


Update #6: Opening Day -1

May 24th, 1976



Hello friends! Opening day is LITERALLY right around the corner, only 24 more hours, and I hope to see you all there! After the latest release of press photos I had some feedback from (hopefully) future visitors to Whitlock Gardens. I've scaled down the tree's around "Scrambler", however I feel as if what I added as replacement to the trees does a fine job to add to the ride. We built a new eatery located right across from the "Whitlock Whizzer", aptly named "Whizzer Snacks".


On to the big announcement I promised. [drum roll] For the inaugural season, we will be doing these two things. First, for every admission paid for, by you, our customer, you will receive a voucher for a free entry on any date the park is open. 2 days of fun for the price of one!


Secondly I would like to announce the addition a brand new rollercoaster technology making it way to the park. Construction will begin on the 1st of July, and is expected to finish by the end of September, just in time for the Month long celebration of Halloween here at Whitlock Gardends. "Scare Days" will surely satisfy those who love the combined excitement of rollercoasters, and the living dead!


Anyways, I snapped some photos for you all, on this, the day before our grand opening!


Here is the redesigned area around "Scrambler", I feel it keeps it's forest thrill, but the gardens only add to the ride!


This is an older photo, ground being cleared for "Whizzer Snacks".


The completed "Whizzer Snacks" front entrance, the patio's and balcony give guests quite the view of the lake and the "Whitlock Whizzer" in action.


Finally, a shot of "Whizzer Snacks" back patio area and garden, the view of the lake from here is amazing!


Well friends that's all for now, I hope I see you all in the park bright and early tomorrow, happy riding!


-James Francis Whitlock

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Just a quick question for everyone, I have finally opened the park so you should all expect an update tomorrow, however it seems I'm having a guest routing problem.



All these guests are trying to head to the "Whitlock Whizzer", now of course there is no way to get there going back and forth inside and outside of the Whitlock Gardens Souvenirs' building. Is there anything I can do to remedy this? Or will the guests eventually become "smart" and find the correct path to the Whizzer? I've added Kiosk's and it seems every one of them has a map, however that is not helping. Any suggestions?


Also to answer some of your questions about making "older" looking pictures, it's a very simple process of adding a fill layer of red at 15% opacity, set to "overlay". Then on my original screen shot I'll add the Distort -> Filter -> Lens Correction then set Vignette Amount to -54. Flatten image and save.

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this happens when the paths are double wide with lots of turns. Sometimes it doesn't even require lots of turns. The paths being double wide is just enough for them to get lost.. Only way you can really fix this is get all guests to leave with a trainer. Or make the stuck guests meet death. Then you need to make your paths more.... Simple. I have problems with this all the time. There's no remedy to it except putting fences between double wide paths

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--I hope you all enjoy the latest update!


Update #7: Slow goings..

June 29th, 1976


Hello friends! It's been a little over a month since I've open the park to the public, and unfortunately, besides opening day (which set our current attendance record) park turnout has been pretty low. I had expected as much for a newer amusement park, hopefully with local area schools letting out a week ago, attendance will see a sharp rise. The park has had some things added, mainly aesthetics, and the addition of more Kiosk's at the front of the park for those in need of park maps, and guest assistance, however there is one big project underway, but I'll let the pictures do the talking from here on out. I have decided to snap a few photo of the "Whitlock Whizzer" in action, as well some others, so I hope you all enjoy!


Up, up, and away! The unique lift hill on the "Whitlock Whizzer" gives a one of a kind experience.


Almost to the top!


The riders enter the first drop hill, which speeds them into the first ground hugging turn at over 40 MPH!


The train is about to enter the first of two station underpasses, a great head chopper experience!


The second turn around, leading directly to the second station under pass.


Now the "Whitlock Whizzer" was designed to be a terrain hugging roller coaster, however this hill give you some airtime, thank god for seat belts!


The final turn, entering the break run.


The train returns the station, bringing back a trainload of happy guests!


Opening day was the busiest day in the park to date, we had over 6,000 guests enter our turn-styles for our grand opening!


Hmmmm, I wonder what this could be?


Well my friends, that is all for now, I'll check in soon to update you on the construction, and hopefully to update you all on the good news about the increasing attendance! Until next time!


-James Francis Whitlock

Edited by GaryGB
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--Thank you, djbrcace1234


Update #8: Schwarzkopf strikes again!

September 7th, 1976


Hello friends, I have some good news and some bad news, being as medicine is always easier to take after swallowing some sugar, I'll lead with the bad news then get to the good. The bad news is after almost 4 months of Whitlock Gardens' opening, attendance is still dipping, we are seeing crowds of only 1,500-2,000 guests a day. Well under maximum capacity. I sincerely hope this is due to the age of the park more than anything else, but I'm starting to have to cut back on staff due to this. I feel bad for those who get their hours cut, but what else am I left to do? The park is running in the red, I need to try to keep it as manageable as possible.


But on to the good news! In an effort to increase park attendance, Whitlock Gardens is proud to announce the addition of a new, state of the art, roller coaster. The wonderful Anton Schwarzkopf has provided another coaster design for Whitlock Gardens. Construction was started on the Shuttle Loop roller coaster in early July. This state of the art coaster involves 2 inversions, once forward, and once backwards. This ground breaking roller coaster is sure to add to the draw of Whitlock Gardens to those who seek a high thrill experience. More information and specs will be released in follow updates, so stay tuned! I snapped a few photo's of the coaster, hope you all enjoy!


Land cleared and fenced off for the start of construction.


The finished station and queue.


The front spike after the loop.


The loop, and station.


The initial lift/back spike.


Finally, an overview of Whitlock Gardens, quite the site to take in if you ask me!


That's all for now, I'll be back soon once our new coaster is named and opened for it's first riders!


-James Francis Whitlock

Edited by GaryGB
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A bit nitpicky, but that doesn't look like an Arrow shuttle. They usually start high off the ground, drop into a loop, go up a hill and end up on a platform on the other side. Sorta like this... But i guess its your park so you could do whatever you want with it.


Overall the park looks great and the scenery is well-done. Some of the buildings look a little blocky, but the rest of the park is excellent. The Photoshop job gives the pictures a 70's feel to the park.

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