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[RCT2] Six Flags Over Lake Erie

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'95 is here!


May 19th, 1995


Superman: Tower of Power is open! I'm here reporting from Six Flags Over Lake Erie, and let me say WOW! These new shot and drop rides from S&S Power are huge thrills! Here are pictures of the new rides.


An overview of the new ride.


Drop is more popular, but both sides are great.


Tower of Power isn't the only ride with a long line today!


Lightning Bolt was a great ride as usual.


Batman was awesome too!


Another nice shot of LB. And, well, something else...

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Nope nope nope! Press release time!


July 24th, 1995


Have you noticed the big building next to Lightning Bolt yet? Many have, and are eager to see what will end up inside this large building. Here's what some of the park attendees had to say:


"I think it'll be a small roller coaster like Roadrunner"

"It'll be a spinny, twisty, intense ride. I just hope they'll have lights in there!"

"Mad Mouse should be re-done and moved in there"


One of the park officials said, "Practice standing on your head!"


So what's in the big black building? We'll just have to wait.

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You got fooled by the question mark part! I didn't intend to phrase it like that.


September 1st, 1995


Six Flags Over Lake Erie is getting a major addition next year. Actually, three additions. The first is a Vekoma Boomerang that flips you upside down 6 times total: 3 times forward and 3 times backward. The next is a Zamperla Ring of Fire. It goes forward and backward up its "track" until you loop the loop. With minimal restraints, this is sure to be extremely thrilling. Finally, SFOLE is also getting a Chance Chaos. It spins you around while letting the free moving cars flip forward and back. Oh, and did it mention all these rides will be in one building?



"Thrill Central"


It houses Boomerang, Ring o Fire, and Utter Chaos.


Another look at the rides.


There's also a coffee shop, hot dog stand, and Skee-Ball machines inside.


I might take the Skee-Ball machines out. And do you think the Ring of Fire is too similar to a swinging inverter ship?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay! I have football going on, which eats up a lot of my day.


September 2nd, 1996


A lot of Six Flags park-goers are disappointed after the announcement of what the park will be getting next year. A day ago, Six Flags CEO announced SFOLE will be getting a sky ride with a food court at the other end. Many see this as a let down, but the CEO says differently.


"This is not a step back in the park's expansion, it's a much needed transportation route to a part of the park that will be developed soon. We can only pack so much stuff into a small space. This will open up parts of the park that can house a multitude of rides. Just wait and see."

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