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[RCT2] Six Flags Over Lake Erie

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April 29th, 1993. Toledo, OH


Toledo Adventure is finally opening back up for business. After being up for sale for 9 years, Six Flags bought future Six Flags Over Lake Erie. Only the orginal TA rides opened for opening day, but it's estimated a couple new thrill rides and a large water ride should be ready for the July 4th summer rush. That's all for now, along with a couple pictures.



An overview of the park



The park's flagship PTC coaster, Lightning Bolt.



A close look at the drop and extreme airtime hills.



The turnaround followed by a quick double-down.



A quick look at some of the flats. They're quite dated, as the old park stopped expanding in 1982.



This Zamperla Mad Mouse, however, was just recently put in by the new owners as an incentive to return to the park.



The right side of the park has some of the newer rides, and is much more popular...



...and this should continue as newer rides are being put in.

Edited by Pingu1651
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Well, it is clear you need to slow down and think about where you are placing items in your park. Putting in items like a Burger Bar facing the exit path of a ride is never a good idea. Rides and even more import stalls need to be placed with a purpose behind it. This is how you control where your guest are going in the park. Place new items in with older ones, make the guest have to walk to specific place to get something to eat/drink preferably past rides so they will stop and ride them on the way to the bathroom that is located down the path somewhere away from the food. This type of set up keeps them moving from place to place giving them a reason to explore the park.


You have nice start to what looks like will be fun family park when finished. Keep going and just take your time and think things out before you place them.


Look forward to what you post next.

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^ Thanks! I'll keep that in mind for future parks, but not for this park. Let's just say, ride placement will tie in with the future of the park (I think I've said too much!). Also, I'm trying to veer from the path of family parks this time. That's usually how my parks end up though...


Also, here's a new news article to give you some more background info about the park.


June 15th, 1993.


With the Fourth coming up and new rides coming in at Toledo Adventure, we'd like to freshen the readers minds about the past, and inform the readers of the future.

Toledo Adventure opened up as a recreational park in the early sixties. It was privately owned by a man named Frank Maur, and free to enter, with some food stands in the park to help pay for land costs. These costs kept rising, so the owner bought a couple up-charge attractions: a hall of mirrors, a slide, and a mini-golf course. Business picked up, and the park started to turn a profit, even through Vietnam War time.

Following the purchase of a space ring type ride in 1970, Frank decided to make the customers pay admission. This brought further profit, so Frank decided to buy a wooden roller coaster from the Philadelphia Toboggan Coasters company. This really put Toledo Adventure on the map, and business seemed to be going great.

However, with the large coaster Maur bought came large bills. Even with the amount of money coming in from admission, the cost of the coaster was too much. This slowed expansion of the park, which prompted some customers to cut visits to TA. By the time the park put in its last attraction in 1982, it was too late, and the park went up for sale in 1985.

Then, just recently, a company called Six Flags, owners of popular parks such as Six Flags Over Texas and Six Flags Great Adventure, bought the land. They promise great new expansions to the park. Six Flags had this to say, "We're really aiming to develope Toledo Adventure into a great park that'll be competitive with other close amusement parks. We expect rapid expansion over these next couple of years." Some of this expansion has already gone underway. We have pictures from the park today of the construction and testing of new rides.



The new thrilling rides promised for July 4th have finished construction and are now testing!



Guests can already experience the splash bridge, although they seem to be shying away from it during the rain.



Construction is already starting on rides for next year! Six Flags is really on top of things.



This will be the stage for a Jungle based live show next year.



What could fit in that huge gaping space?

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I have to agree with dmaxsba2408 here. Look at more real parks and how they're laid out, and you'll see that none of them throw down rides without plan. A lot of your rides are built too close to the entrance or each other, and the paths are really small. Some landscaping for the water near the splash ride would be nice, too. I like the jungle show thing, though, it's pretty creative.

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For now It just looks like your throwing down rides without much planning or very much theming. You might wanna add some buildings, stations, longer waiting lines and wider paths. And pleasee.. Don't just use 1 kinds of trees. I liked the wooden coaster thou. I'd like to see a station on it. And you should move the carousel near the entrance and hall of mirrors back. Let your rides be more spaced out and u can just put in buildings. Fountains. Flowers. Or just shrubs or trees. Because right now the grass between the flats dosent match with the flats at all. Good start thou. interested to see your second coaster

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Unfortunatly I dont see you living up to potential. This park is not bad, but there is literally zero theming besides trees. However, the only good part of my statement is you do have POTENTIAL! Take some time to learn how to use the scenery and practice with it. This park with some scenery could be very reminiscant of something like Lake Winnie.

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^ And, starting now, pine trees too.


I've changed some of the positions of the rides from last time, and added some theming (including a Wild West area). In the "off season", the park will be getting a huge overhaul as it transforms to Six Flags Over Lake Erie. Rides will be put in, buildings will be put up, and some rides may be branded. Onto pictures!


July 4th, 1993.


Happy Independence Day from Toledo Adventure! Our crews have been working their fingers to the bone to get the new rides in for the 4th. The results are pretty spectacular, even if we do say so ourselves. Here are some pictures of the festivities:



The "classic" part of the park. Some rides have gone into storage.



Bumpers and Shipwreck Falls have opened without a hitch, but the real surprise is...



The Wild West town! Here's Pony Express and The Dust Bowl, a Huss Top Spin.



The Showdown is a classic western show involving Sheriffs and Outlaws.


We part you with this shot of Hangman's Escape.

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  • 2 weeks later...
May 14th, 1994.


I have pictures from the newly named Six Flags Over Lake Erie. All I can say is WOW! The park was really improved over the past season. New rides, new scenery, basically a new park! I must commend Six Flags on a job well done.


The grand entrance. Lightning Bolt towers over the guests.


The disappointing back-country. The gimmick was an untamed and rugged section of the park. A couple benches and less pavement would've been nice though. The best part was saving the classic rides for younger generations.


More scenery on the main midway. It looks really nice. I could expect new rides coming here in the future...


Shipwreck Falls finally got a much needed service catwalk for mechanics to get to the exit. It also has the best queue in the park. Complete with waterfalls!


Random flats. Some scenery.


The all-new Roadrunner's Desert race. The queue coverings look kind of awkward, but at least it has them!


The also new Gotham city. Complete with Batman: The Ride, a B&M flyer...


Gotham Cargo, an Intamin Looping Starship...


and Sno-Cone, a Chance Snow Cups themed to Mr. Freeze. It even has its own popsicle stand, Mr. Freeze's Chillers.

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I'd like to be the first to say you are making GREAT strides from your first posts, way to go, keep studying other people's parks, "borrow" some ideas, and eventually those ideas will spawn into your own.


Keep on working, I'm liking the progress!

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Thanks. I've been reading some tuts and viewing other parks.


Just a word about updates; I'll update every two to four days with a new year every week. I know I'm kind of rushing it, but I'm really bad at being patient while building parks.


Oh, and I have a question for the experienced RCT2 users. I know you can change rides with 8cars, like making a swinging ship into a scrambler, but could you change a swinging ship into a custom ride like a chaos? Will it detect the ride in my ObjData folder or am I out of luck? Thanks!

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8cars only works to change tracked vehicle types. Example: Wooden Coater train onto Steel Coaster track. You can not just plop down a twist ride and change it a swinging ship.


If there is some ride, stall, or scenery item(s) you need for the park, download the ParkDat. There is a picture of what all the numbers mean. Copy it and save it somewhere for easy reference, I keep is as the wallpaper on my PC. Don't go over the maximum number of items for each category! The game has limits as you know and if you use this tool to go around those limits the game will crash. Also always make a backup of your park under a different name in case you mess up the origanl using the too.

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^ Thanks a bunch! Trust me, you'll see some custom rides soon...


July 1st, 1994.


SF Over Lake Erie released four announcements today about the park.The first was that the park will operate on weekends past the normal closing date of September 10th. It will operate on weekends until Halloween (or the first weekend past Halloween), although there aren't any Halloween festivities planned for this year. Also, next year's season passholders will recieve a monthly newletter. It will include discounts on food, evnet notifications, and other news about the park. Thirdly, the park announced they will have a roller coaster enthusiast event next year. Guests with season passes will be able to enter for an additional fee, but guests with memberships to coaster enthusiast clubs will pay the normal park fee (or have free entry with a season pass). The last announcement is that the park will be getting a new thrill ride next year. The park hinted it won't appeal to guests with "acrophobia". That's all for now.

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Here's what's next:


Photo TR: Six Flags Over Lake Toledo Eerie Adventure


Seriously, what is the name of this park? Anyways, I heard there was some construction going on. I have a season pass so I decided to drop by. It was an average visit, but I more than got what I was looking for. I got some pictures, so here they are, I guess.


When I entered the park, I took a ride on what I think is the park's crown gem, Lightning Bolt.


Nice first drop.


These hills are BURSTING with airtime!


After LB, I went to the Zamperla Mad Mouse.


It's average.


The back country has really improved. It's not a parking lot anymore!


B:TR. Pretty intense. It and Dust Bowl have the heighest height requirement in the park, 54 inches.


First drop and black-out loop. Seriously, it's intense!




Insert long coaster train joke.


Here's the building cover the new ride parts.


It's hard to see from here, but there are pink posts just beyone LB.


But wait, what's that...


BTW, I do realize it's 1994 when this TR was posted. It went to, uh... ACErs Monthly!

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Same with Geauga Lake, Darien, SFA, and SFNE. Coincidence?


Small news blurb

Just in from the Six Flags offices. SF Over Lake Erie will be getting a big new ride next year. Details are unsure, but it will be themed to Superman and will be around 200 feet high.
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