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Purchase a Miniature Working Wheelie and other rides.

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Since there are some serious wheelie enthusiasts here on the board, I thought this might be of interest.


This company sells miniature amusment park rides, and the 2010 addition is called "frenzy" although it appears to be a wheelie to me.




There is a link to all the rides they sell. If anyone wants to buy one and has trouble buying online or finding a local store, PM me as my company sells them. The manufacturer doesn't sell direct but you could probably find them on e-bay. Feel free to contact me if you want to make sure you are getting a good price.


Please don't consider this spam, I just though some people might enjoy this.


Chris Con

Edited by Chroniq
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I thought you guys might get a kick out of them. If anyone wants to see a video of one in action (minus the wheelie since I don't have it yet) let me know.. All of them have lots of leds, full motion, and play 25 "carnival" songs as well as 25 "christmas" songs. At my store,, we have many people that collect them. There are a number of a retired pieces as well you could might be able to find on e-bay like the cyclone and tornado. They also scale well to HO and even G scale model trains.


You'd be surpised how many 70 year old "Hamptons Elite" miniature theme park enthusiasts we have. Believe it or not, we sell 100's of these each holiday season...The funny thing is, I own garden centers which isn't the place you'd expect to find these. We also sell a tremendous amount of LGB trains around the holidays (the same trains you can find outside at EPCOT in world showcase in the Germany gardens.

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I wonder if by "fully functional" they are working models? The 2 coasters and the log flume would be neat to have as long as they were gravity powered and not pulled around by some kind of conveyor system. I have been fascinated with these model carnival rides ever since I was a little kid. They are kinda pricey but would be well worth it.

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I wonder if by "fully functional" they are working models? The 2 coasters and the log flume would be neat to have as long as they were gravity powered and not pulled around by some kind of conveyor system.



I was wondering the exact same thing. For instance the Cyclone and Tornado sold by Gold Label are completely assembled with motorized lifts and play music. They are also fairly substantial and less expensive. Has anyone had any experience with these other kits? I'd pull the trigger and buy one of the kits if it didn't require any glue and looked as great as the do in the pictures. If anyone has bought one of those kits I'd love to see photos and background on how hard assembly was.


For comparisons sake here is a picture of some of the Gold Label toys displayed at one of my stores during the Christmas season.


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