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Hi All!


This is my second No Limits Coaster. I am actually Quite proud of it. No Yellow or Red G's It is an B&M Floorless. Please respond. If requested, I will put this up for download.


P.S. This was made with a mac.









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That was...interesting.


Your rides use of "boosters" is a bit much. When you make a ride, the coaster really shouldn't need to have a booster. The initial drop or launch should provide enough speed to complete the course.


The lift hill can be straightened out by highlighting the track segment and either hitting the letter "I" or right clicking and selecting "Make Straight".


The ride was a bit rough, but being your second coaster, that makes sense. A simple tool you can use to help you out is highlighting the rough segments and their vertices. Then right click and select "Smooth". It will help you out a bit, but it wont make the coaster perfect. Also the track is over banked in some places. Such as the turn at the top of the lift.


Overall, good job. You have interesting layout.

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I thought it was pretty good considering your screen name . It's good for a beginners try, but that also means you should continue to tweak the ride until you get it to a higher quality. If I were you I would clear all the boosters and make the lift much taller. Also maybe make a few elements before the loop. You should probably make a lift that has an initial turn away from the majority of the ride and then have it do a curved drop along with a g-roll or something.

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Thats one idea. My suggestion however is to stick with what you have so far with this coaster and work on removing the boosters. The layout is great the way it is and I don't think this time around you need to add to it. Adding more track will only make it harder to smooth out the current track you have. Or, if your proud with your second attempt, and you should be, start a new coaster using what we have told you.


So, Chris...Would you say you enjoy riding Beaver?


Yes! The beaver was intense!

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