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PTR Dollywood Nov 22

Guest Papas

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Dollywood has a really awkward long, narrow parking lot. I guess it makes sense its hard to find huge plots of level land in the mountains.



Random parking lot tram. When we were leaving at night our tram was full and some large middle aged womans family got on but there was no room for her, so some small old man let her sit on his lap, and hilarity ensued.



Knocked over disability parking sign.



I think there was some sort of ACE event going on, there were lots of patch jackets in the park.



In case you were thinking about interviewing anyone, Dollywood prohibits that without consent from the PR manager.



It was blistering cold all day, between 25-35 degrees and it got way colder at night. The coasters did not open until 1 due to weather and Mystery Mine did not open at all because it needed to be 40 and at the time we asked it was 38 .



The parks exit/main gift shop. This park has a lot of purchase outlets. A major draw for many old people is all the stuff they make at the park that they sell.



Wouldnt be a Herschend park without lots and lots of ECVs.



The coasters werent open yet so we walked around and explored the park for awhile.



It did get moderatley crowded later, the only ride with a long line though was Thunderhead because it was running 1 train.



Thunderhead is better than the other GCIs ive been on (Renegade & Evel Knievel) by leaps & bounds. My #3 wood behind El Toro & Beast.



I was looking at the Topple Tower and this dude just randomly climbed out of the middle of it.

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Mystery Mines station/lift/drop is housed in this huge building.



Some random animitronic buzzard in front of Mystery Mine speaking about how he doesnt get along with his wife. Not quite sure what this has to do with anything, but found it hilarious.



Unfortuntaley this sight would remain unchanged all day.



I dont get it?



They have a Mack Splash Battle.





Obviosley it was closed due to winter.







There is an automatic dryer you can stand in for $3 next to River Battle.





Thought this midway looked cool with the mountain on the left.



Dollywoods dark ride/roller coaster hybrid is great. You go through an endless amount of random scenes of stuff burning then theres some drops and it goes Matterhorn and splashes down.



Our first ride on Blazing Fury they turned off all of the lights/effects, so it was just going through pitch black hallways for like 3 minutes then the coaster part comes out of nowhere. Scary as all hell. The rides much better with the scenes on .





Yes these are real bald eagles, very cool.





Being in the south, this place is big on religion. Theres a church inside the park that they have actual services in.



This was the only black guy we saw in the entire park, and he's not even real.



Theres a shop where they make actual wagons, they sell for hundreds to thousands to dollars. This is proof they actually sell!










This is by far the best train at any park ive been to.







There is a "Country Fair" themed area which is where most of the flats are.



Such as the Zamperla Disko.





Veggie Tales coaster.



Did I say this park has certain religious influences?





Dollywood has really good food, I had one of the beef sandwiches.







Tennessee Tornado is a very smooth Arrow with huge inversions.





Found it kindve funny how theres a door hanging from the cieling. Pretty creative theming there.







Thunderhead is long, fast, and furious.





If anything, the Topple Tower looks cool.














Polar Express is their Christmas 4D theater ride.



It had by far the longest line in the park, and broke down while we were in line so we didnt ride it.










Cool looking path.



If your wondering what Rapids rides look like in winter.



Lots of ducks.



We went to Nascar Speedpark the next morning to ride the coaster since its down the street from Dollywood. It wasnt open yet, so we didnt ride it.





This sign was right next to one of the big crosses.

















After seeing the sign that said hell is real we drove by it.




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I think there was some sort of ACE event going on, there were lots of patch jackets in the park.


Yeah it was Smokey Mountain Coasterfest, which by the way was REALLY good last year even though I went/hung out by myself. Didn't make it happen this year.


I'm glad so many people feel the love for my little home state park. Great pics too and thanks for sharing!

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/\ That might explain why Blazing Fury was pitch dark in the morning.


I wonder how that event went with the coasters being closed until early in the afternoon/closing again at night (and Mystery Mine being closed all day).

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Yes we had the ACE Coasterfest this past weekend. It was a great day just frigid. Blazing Fury the lights were off and Florescent lights were on also for ERT and I had to make sure they new we were down so it took a bit. We had a good time. I think everyone was ok with the cold and most had a great day.

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I was at Dollywood on Saturday, too! You wouldn't happen to be the guy who yelled, "Yay! TPR!" at me would you?


I was wearing my awesome new TPR Hoodie!


Hey that was me! I was actually with Papas so it would have made sense that you thought it was him!


I would post a trip report but I was with Papas all day so it would be almost the same.


I did make a video here is the link




Hope you enjoy!

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