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Picture of the day

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^ No one answered our posting about the mattress bases (what they actually were).

So David carted them off to one of our local Value Villages, who takes such large donations.

Done! So here's a new one, the closer we get to ... well, you know..... right?



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Just got these from Tokyo Disney Resort via/e-Bay. Decided to pose them together, and immediately thought...

it's .... A Marvel Multi-Verse Encounter .... 😋


.... On a vast sea of duckies .....

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On my way home from my one and only Playland visit this year (to be posted soon),

I stopped at a local A&W for take out. Then, while waiting for my order, I saw this.....


Made me smile.

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I spotted this, outside our Central/South America Food store, on The Drive.

Now ..... would you put your furry friend inside this, while you shop? Or "stop for coffee"...?

It all works with your phone, etc. Still ... I dunno about it.

I know my cat Stella would rip it to pieces, if she ever got put in one of these, lol.


Anyone else seen one of these in their city's shopping area(s)? 🐕

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