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I am sure it will be pretty crowded Sunday afternoon and evening. Goliath does not have a single rider line (none of the rides at SFoG have a single rider line)and the line usually gets to be 60-90 minutes long in the summer. Since time is limited for you I would try to get both Goliath, Mindbender (since it is pretty close to Goliath and its really awesome), and maybe Georgia Scorcher since all of those 3 coasters are unique to the park. Mindbender's lines usually goes pretty quick though Scorcher could have a long wait.

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Actually my buddy and I go on a regular basis on Sunday afternoons and it is not half as bad as Saturdays. You should be ok, but I would recommend, as Eric did, that you need to at least hit Goliath and Mindbender first as they are the best coasters in the park IMO. If you need credits, Ninja is a walk on even though it is rough and not that great, GASM is worth a ride, Superman is ehhh, Scorcher is great, Batman is....Batman and the Cyclone is terrible unless you really like that "throw my body in as many ways as possible and try to break as many bones as you can in 2 minutes" type of ride. I am going on Saturday and maybe Sunday afternoon for a bit to hang out with some friends.

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A lot of people are starting Monday, my county at least, so the younger crowd may be heading home by then. I went the 30th and it was packed, not as bad as a Saturday though. Hmm, on Mindbender and GASM I suggest pushing, bracing yourself before and on the brake run, it's a pretty hard stop. Personaly if you can see the superman line from around the corner I would suggest not riding, too hot of an area to be standing without cold drink and fan. Don't forget a fan if you have one, IMO.

What a small world i'm going again on Sunday and Wenesday.

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I got to SFOG at 4pm Sunday Aug 03. It reminds me a lot of SFMM and SFOT in comparison to the trees and hills. It is a very nice park terrain wise but the ride operations are TERRIBLE. I first went to GOLIATH and the cue was 4 rows downstairs and it took me one hour to board. One of the problems is too many trains leaving out of the station with empty seats. I counted at least 4 empty seats on EACH dispatch. Now that is unacceptable. If they fill the trains for each dispatch it will make the line move faster. I know it can be done because we did it when I worked at SF. Secondly the ride ops move entirely too slow and not motivated at all. B&M's actually load themselves and all the ops have to do is check the lapbars and get that train out of there. This was a problem with all rides except the Standup coaster, This was actually the best crew in the whole park on a major ride. The trains were 80% of the time ready to dispatch before the other train cycled.


I went to Guest Relations to complain and I asked for an Operations Supervisor and they sent me a kid in a green shirt and I started laughing when he asked "can I help you". I said "I asked for a supervisor" and the response was "thats me". I said sweetheart don't insult my intelligence. Go get me someone that doesn't have on a green shirt with a tag that says host and Make sure he or she is over 30. Of course that never happened so i just left because I had to catch my plane,


To sum it up, SFOG is a typical SF park. Horrible operations with a few decent rides.


If Goliath was a little longer it would be on my top 5 list because it has sooooo much airtime non-stop. The first drop is a little deceiving because it doesnt go all the way to the ground. So I give this coaster a rating of 6.


The Georgia Scorcher was fun and I give it an 8. If it were longer and 50ft taller I think It would give Riddlers Revenge a run for its money.


The Mind Bender was a beautiful surprise. I actually would have ridden that all day, It highly outranks it counterparts at other parks, like Revolution and The Shockwave at SFOT.


The only Ride Op that actually said hello how r u and was professional was Lacey on the Mine Train. She was the only op that made me feel good yesterday and she needs to be the general manager over the whole ride operations dept. If u are reading this I want to thank you for making my day better.


So in 4 hours I was only able to ride 4 rides in a park that wasnt crowded. I will probably never go back. After going to Holiday World in May, my tolerance level for anything less than the operations there is unacceptable.


The park was semi clean which is understood since I got there late but shouldnt be an excuse.


The staff was wayyy tooo young with no experience, training or motivation.


Too many friends on one ride which causes horseplay and not paying attention to the guest.


This could be a great park with one good woodie, and a new general manager because there are just as many kids working at Holiday World as there are at SFOG and they are extremely professional and courteous.

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Doesn't matter. I didn't mean all but all of the managers and supervisors I saw were kids and they are FRIENDS with the other employees. If you are insulted then you are probably the persons who are not doing your jobs. It is no excuse for a park to be semi full and there is an hour wait for a ride with a half empty que. What I said was constructive and I was an unhappy customer. I stand by what I say, a park run by nothing but kids will never run efficiently. There isn't enough experience and maturity to do their jobs FIRST. There were a lot of other patrons there that were complaining also, they just didn't say anything. They have accepted that behavior from Six Flags and just grumble in the line. Not me. I saw ride ops DRAGGING their feet and not paying attention to the trains nor the guest right there IN FRONT of the supervisors.


I will not recant my statement.


Kids will play when they are unsupervised. That is a fact. Six Flags is a business and guests have spent their hard earned monies to come and have an enjoyable day riding, not stepping through trash or standing in line for 3/4 of their visit at the park.

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