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Hershey Park Tennessee!

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The park is almost ready to start a new season. Since im an employee i get to go during off-season. The park opens in a little less than two weeks. When i entered the park i saw this...

It looks pretty nice, Hershey is doing a great job redoing Main Street!

Another building! It looks nice too!

I was trying to take a pic of the new chair swings but i couldnt help but getting NOS in it!

Another pic of NOS including Monster

I love NOS's turn around!

Juggernault is looking good!

Same with Terridation, but i wander what will could be built in the empty lot....¿

Thunderbolt looks good at night

So does Fahrenheit!

And lastly, ive heard some rumors... here is a hint.

I doubt its true, HPT already has a flyer...

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I won't be fooled, that flyer is NOT coming to HPT!


Mainstreet looks great!


It seems you are correct!

the park announced this...


Recently there has been rumors about a new B&M Flying coaster, we are sorry to say it, but Hershey Park Tennessee will not be getting it. The coaster you saw is actually going to another park. Although we are not getting the Flyer, Hershey Park Tennessee will be getting a new coaster very soon!

PARK CEO: Nick Beaver

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Haha that flyer will probably go to Hershey PA...My guess for the new coaster is either a woodie or a floorless B&M. But hey I'm sure whatever you put in will look good! Love the park!

Im not sure where it will go. And i have heared rumors about B&M, and also a woodie. And thanks!

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The park sent me this new logo, they said "Take a good look at this picture, because it will never look the same!" Im not really sure what they mean by that though... They also said that there will be many more logos to come! Well for some odd reason, the pictures i take on RCT3 show up saying "drawing failed." So no pictures... Well as i was walking towards Terridation i saw construction fences. I couldn't see over them because they were too high. While i was going up the cable lift hill for Terridation i noticed nothing but dirt in the construction zone. The space is very small, so it will have to be very compact. Ill try to get back on RCT3 and take the pics again,

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DBru: Nope!

CinciDAWGS12: Youll find out what it is soon...


Well the park sent me another logo! And my PC is letting RCT3 take pics again!

I saw this when i was getting on Terridation!

It seems there is nothing but,

Tons and tons of dirt...

Im not sure if i have posted this before, but the train goes thru this underground tunnel.

Thunderbolt stands tall over the picnic pavillion

Speaking of the Picnic Pavillion, it is doing great!

Ill end this update with a nice pic of Timberland Twister!

More soon..

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^I think that last pic is amazing! You get out tomorrow!? That's not fair I don't get out until June 1st.

Thanks! And that sucks, but i have to go back in the first week of August!


Welcome back, tha park has officially announce the new ride and it is already done being constructed!

Applachian Plunge?

Ever since we removed Mystery Mine many years ago to make room for Ruby Tuesday, the park has been lacking in flat rides! We decided to build a drop ride! We hired Intamin AG to build a classic First Generation Drop Tower! Why first generation? Because we though that it would be a more unique experiance since there are very few of them left in the world. We are proud to announce Appalachin Plunge!
Park CEO: Nick Beaver


The ride stands out with its rusted looking paint job!

I perfer the first generation drop towers over the second or third generation!

If you ask me, it looks way over 115ft. tall!

The space was very small but the great people at Hershey found a way to make such a great ride in a hard spot!

It can be seen from all over the park!

This pic was taken from Thunderbolt's lift hill!

Speaking of Thunderbolt, it is in need for a new paint job!

More soon...

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^Hey, you're lucky! We don't get out until next Wednesday, and have to go back on August 3rd!


But anyway...


Another great addition to the park! Oh, and Thunderbolt doesn't need a paint job, it needs "new wood"

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^Hey, you're lucky! We don't get out until next Wednesday, and have to go back on August 3rd!


But anyway...


Another great addition to the park! Oh, and Thunderbolt doesn't need a paint job, it needs "new wood"


hehe i got my 9 week summer holiday 21 june (i think>_>)

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^I don't think I go back until August 23rd


How does the new ride work? Did you just use a normal coaster? Is it functional? Sometimes I wish I could think of these things. It looks like it will fit into your park very nicely though.

Its actually a S&S Space Shot (Launch free fall tower ine RCT3) But i used Mobys Steel Jungle to make the tower. I also used ATH Catwalk set and coaster track. Its quite easy...

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You will need...

Aces Construction Yard

ATH Catwalk

J-Cats Steelworx

Shyguy's Main Street 1,2,&3


Vodhin's Gizmos

Moby's Steel Jungle

Vodhin's Lighting Kit v.2

Vodhin's Vermont Theme

Re-colorable dining tables

Shuyguy's Circus Center 1

Mr. PKI's coaster tunnels


The park will keep having normal updates and please post trip reports!

If you want the signs just PM me for the link!

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I just got bored and made a quick random update.

I love Great Bear, in my opinion its better than Montu and Raptor!

Appalachian Plunge is doing good, but there is never a wait over ten minutes...

On the other side, Fahrenheit always had a wait with atleast a fourty five minute wait.

While i was on Afterburner, the chain broke and we were stuck for about five minutes, we than got to walk down the catwalk which meant great pictures!

Here is a nice pic showing Stormrunner from Hershey River Falls lift hill.

Another pic showing how close Stormrunner's trains are!

And lastly a pic showing the drop, which gives you tons of airtime!

More soon... and remember to post your trip reports if you download!

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Sorry i haven't updated in a while, i have been busy... plus my game lags so much. I got on the game around 11pm., when i got on the game it was 7:27 (in RCT3) and i had to wait till 9:00pm (thats when the park closes) and it took three hours... It's horrible. I haven't got the time to add to the park, so here are some random pictures.


The new side of Main Street is doing good and getting alot of business!

Im not sure if i have posted the second train station, so here it is.

This is my favorite restraunt in the park, it's mostly cajun food but also has some Mexican!

I love the atmosphere of this side of the park.

Mini Miner's helices are forcefull!

Trepidation is doing good, it has the longest lines in the park!

I love the how it goes into the woods, defanitely at night!

Mine Shaft (the indoor Inverter) is pretty popular.

This is all the room left in the park... what would you like to see go in it?


More soon.

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