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KI's Halloween Haunt TR!

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Who: Me and my Aussie Exchange student, Doug

Time: 7PM-11PM


KI really went all out with this year's Halloween Haunt! When they said 2x the monsters, they meant it!


There was a long line to get into the park when we got there, about 5 minutes prior to opening. The moment the doors opened, people started screaming...and it didnt stop! As we slowly walked through security and made it through the gates, we came face to face with 2 monsters greeting the guests at each check in booth! Once you walked through that, there were about 50 monsters roaming around the front entrance....sliders, vampires, zombies, those bush monster things, 10ft tall aliens and creatures. WOW!


So it was about 7:15 and we decided to head into Action Zone. We passes skeletons playing cornhole, skeletons in Bengals jerseys, and numerous fog machines. Face/Off was a walk on and we got 3 re-rides! After we got off, we headed over to SOB. And there was an unanounced fear zone! WASTE LAND. There were aliens and guys dressed up in those white scientist outfits with blood and stuff walking around! It was really cool!




SOB was alright, so we stood around Skyflier for abit to think about what to do next.....well, haha....some HOT vampire chick wearing very revealing clothing, those big boots, and blood splatered over her body!!! Walked up to us. She said something along the lines of, "Hey big boys, I bet there are some girls waiting for you in Club Blood......right this way..." So she walked us down Top Gun's exit path...which turned around into the line, back up to this abandoned shed that said "Club Blood" it had a small line....and she walked away. Doug was too afraid to get his picture with her.



Scare Factor - 4/10 I didn't really jump, though I was anticipating it...

Gross Factor - 8/10 Pregnant vampires with disturbing babies, and BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD!

Make-You-Jump-Factor - I jumped once.

Attraction Time - About 3-4 minutes.

Stand Outish things - Dirty talk, hot chicks, cool music, great set up!


I was second in line...and I'm glad I didn't have to wait long for this attraction. It was cool and gross, but it wasn't scary. For a new attraction, I hope they can make this scarier next time! They had plenty of opportunities to scare.



So we exited through Top Gun's entrance and walked over to Coney Mall. You couldn't really tell it was Coney Mall becuase the sign just had carny lights around it. I saw the line for Massacre Manor was about 15 minutes long and we got in line.



Scare Factor - 10/10 It's a haunted house with dead guys all over!

Make-You-Jump-Factor- I jumped about 8 times.

Gross Factor - 8/10 Hair hanging from the ceiling in a pitch black room could send someone over the edge.

Attraction Time - about 5 minutes

Standoutish things - Cool magicy stuff in this....floater girl and some guy gets the buzz-saw! Oh and don't forget that room with the hair...


This house has it all if you want a haunted HOUSE. You start off in a room with a woman telling you about the house and the little girl that died, and how her presance haunts it still today. From there on, you are on your own! Once you turn the corner, you have to go through: a corridor with bloody clothes, and you have to part it aside to get by! A long corridor with closed doors....or will they open? Many rooms in the house with nasty blood splattered people; a pitch black room with hair hanging from the ceiling; the girl's bed room, and finally.....the basement. I jumped ALOT in this house...this gets five stars from me!




So from there we walked back by Firehawk. Doug had been to KI before, but Firehawk was broken down. And surprise! It was again. We had already been on Death Row, so we went to TRAIL OF TERROR.


TRAIL OF TERROR: (Psyco Path in previous years)

Scare Factor - 3/10

Gross Factor - 6/10

Make-You-Jump-Factor - I jumped twice

Attraction Time - about 10 minutes

Standoutish things - Fun Tunnel! Chainsaws, body parts...more body parts....the spewing Portal Potty!


This attraction seriously let me down last year....and it kinda did this year. SO much potential! They have you crawling through a sewer pipe...and nothing happens! It's a bunch of crazy red-necks, zombies, bush monsters, and chainsaw guys! I got abit nervous when the chainsaw guy was inches away from my legs....




So after that long walk, we went over to get a ride on the Vortex....2 train op is still great! Awesome night ride. After that, we saw another missed credit for Doug...Italian Job. The crew works fast! The line was about 5 minutes. Thennn....it was time for a night ride on the Beast! Walk on line, so we stayed on for two freezing-cold, but awesome rides! Gotta love those pitch black tunnels. But with all those smoke machines KI uses, why can't they put a few back there?! That would be sweet! And then we strolled over to Tombstone-TERRORtory.


TOMBSTONE-TERRORTORY: (Headless Hollow last year...it's the train ride)

Scare Factor - ZERO! BORING!

Gross Factor - 2/10 There's a tunnel full of fog and heads.

Attraction Time - 15 minutes. You ride a train back into the woods to get inline for it.

Make-You-Jump-Factor - ZERO!


So, what made this such a suck-fest?

1: Sending people in almost constantly.

2: Either a few of these guys were dead....or they were sleeping on the ground.

3: The scariest part of the ride was "off limits"...some security guy was looking around with a flashlight.

4: The attraction stopped at a few points, just because there were so many people walking through it.

5: No one poped out. They just made grunting noises.

6: It was a long walk for nothing.



In order to get that train wreck outof our heads, we went over to Carn-Evil


CARN-EVIL: (Circus of Horrors in previous years)

Scare Factor - 6/10 Some people REALLY do NOT like clowns

Gross factor - 2/10

Make-You-Jump-Factor - I jumped about 5 times

Outstandish things - It's 3-D! People blend in with things, and there are parts where you swear you are on Acid!


It's a brightly lit funhouse. Yep, fun house. The main times I jumped were when they clowns pop out of the walls by slamming down these pannels. It was cool, but a let down. It was WAY better when it was in the Festhaus...they used blow-horns! But I think they needed more scareactors in this attraction, too many places where you walk for a while and no one is there.



And after that, it was time to go. The only thing we skipped was Red Beard's Revenge. Didn't look worth the wait.


Thanks for reading! Might have pics up soon.



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We went last night, and here are my comments.


Yes, Haunt is a big improvement over last year. It's not HHN, and never will be. However, they really seemed to try this year. There was a decent amount of creativity in how they set up some of the props like a Chick-Fil-A ad modified to say "Eat More Humin".


We only did one maze, which was Death Row. That maze really sucked. It was just a bunch of strobe lights and some annoying guys yelling at you. Totally not scary and I thought I was going to have a seizure.


My main complaint is that the scare actors who roved the park just weren't that scary. A bunch of short teenagers wearing $20 costumes just doesn't do it for me. The event is far too well lit for the most part, which makes surprising people next to impossible. There are a few darker points in the park, like back by Montgomery Inn, that could have been better utilized to this end.


Probably my favorite part about Haunt was riding the coasters in the dark. Lines were minimal, which has been a rarity at Kings Island this season. So we mainly took the chance to get some rides in.

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My main complaint is that the scare actors who roved the park just weren't that scary.

I have always reccomended to people not to go on a Halloween Event's opening night because it really seems to take a weekend or two for the scare actors to get into their characters.


I've noticed this at even the better events like HHN where opening night everything is "good" but by the end of the month it really gets GREAT!


This is why we usually plan our big Halloween trip towards the end of October. It's before Halloween to avoid the crowds, but far enough in to where the talent has gotten into their roles.


Check out the event in a couple of weeks time and see if it's any better.


That's my advice.



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