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Atlantic Adventure Park (RCT2)

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I have started a little project on RCT2. Its a sea side park with a small boardwalk and different sorts of rides. This is my first time I have attempted to make a park with more building then just rides and shops. If the buildings are a little blocky thats because I just started building my own scenery. I will try to update a frequently as possible.


Here is a teaser pic to start you off with.

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Update #2


The park is starting to look good with a few new attractions and shops. The scenery for me has turned out suprizingly well.


Please feel free to comment and criticize.


Here is the Guest Services building. Its kind of a boring building so I will try to work on it.


Here is the Main Entrance. Nothing to over the top. The only attraction near the main entrance so far is the Merry Go Round.


Looking around the park I found some track in the back of the park. It appears to be Schwarzkopf


The other ride on the board walk is Tsunami which will take riders upside down mulitple times.


Hopefully all of those hills will be filled with ejector airtime.


The first drop looks really good but I cant tell untill I ride it on opening day.


One of the main attractions at Atlantic Adventure Park is Whirlwind. Its an old fashion type of fun woodie.


The Board walk has its own food court inside that building.


Here is the entrance to the board walk complete with a Sky Tower which provides a great view of the Park and the Atlantic.

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Update #3


CEO of Atlantic Adventure Park,


"Atlantic Adventure Park new attraction Venom is a Schwarzkopf Shuttle loop. It has been relocated from the late Six Flags Astro World in Texas. It will launch at a speed of 50 mph. It will then go through one inversion then continue up a spike where it will fall come to a stop and fall backwards going through the inversion again . It will then go up another spike followed by coming to a stop in the station."


Looks like they gave it a new paint job. Hopefully it's still just as intense.

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Sorry for the Double Post its not letting me delete the first one.


Update #3


CEO of Atlantic Adventure Park,


"Atlantic Adventure Park new attraction Snake Pit, is a Schwarzkopf Shuttle loop. It has been relocated from the late Six Flags Astro World in Texas. It will launch at a speed of 50 mph. It will then go through one inversion then continue up a spike where it will fall come to a stop and fall backwards going through the inversion again . It will then go up another spike followed by coming to a stop in the station."


Also the oark has added a free fall tower called Venom. Opening Day will be in 3 days.


Another food court has been added at the opposite side of the park.


The Park has also added a Miniture Golf Course called Looney Links.


The station is complete with working fountains and plants.


It brings back memories of Astro World.


I watched them as they sent it through some test cycles and it looks like it should be ready for opening day.


Looks like they gave it a new paint job. Hopefully it's still just as intense.

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Update #4 Grand Opening.


Sorry for the many posts in a row but no one has been commenting.


I stopped at the park today for the Grand Opening. A few more attractions have been added including a new family coaster called Grapevine.


I will leave you with an overview of the park so far.


Before I headed out I went on the sky tower which provided me with some great views of the park.


I love these rides they are always so much fun,but to bad it was broken down most of the day.


I went over to Snake Pit where I found a very short line. Its loop was very intense. One of the best shuttle loops I have been on.


Bumber cars have also been added called Burn Out.


Here are a few of the Kiddy rides the park has added.


Here is an ovverview of Grapevines layout.


Here is the new Family Coaster Grapevine. I didn't get this credit today the line was to long.


Tsunami was fun, but I didn't like hanging upsidedown, I prefer a normal pirate ship better.


When I got to the park I headed straight for Whirlwind. I was pleasently suprized with the amount of airtime there was.


I arrived at the park around 3:00pm. It opened at 10:00am but I was busy earlier today. I bought my seasons passes for only $65.

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I have to disagree about the whole planning thing. If you want to add a big coaster, you take out or move something else. That's how it works in most realworld parks.


You've got a nice little seaside park there.

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