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Camcorder buying advice


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So my good old Sony DCR-TRV19 MiniDV cam is on it's last leg, and I'm looking into buying a new camcorder before the midwest trip. I've done a ton of research on these models but wanted to see what anyone else who shoots theme park videos might reccomend. Here's the order I'm looking at


First choice - Sony DCR-HC48 ($400)

Pros - 1 MP CCD, 25X Optical Zoom, Still Shot Capture, 16:9 recording with widescreen lcd

Cons - Poor low light performance


Second choice - Panasonic PV-GS320 ($500)

Pros - 2 MP 3CCD, decent low light performance, still shot capture, optical image stabilatization, 16:9 recording with widescreen lcd

Cons - pricey, questionable build quality, only 10X opitcal zoom


Third choice - Sony DCR-HC38 ($330)

Pros - 40X optical zoom

Cons - poor low light performance, only 680K pixel sensor, no still shot

could also go with the DCR HC28 which is identical it just drops the optical zoom down to 25X


At first I was also considering the Canon ZR850 but it lacks the ability of adding filters and lens adapters so if i can't use a wide angle les on it, that rules that cam out entirely



Here are the specs of my current camcorder

Sony DCR-TRV19 from 2003

680K sensor

10X optical zoom


I've been pretty happy with the video I've gotten from this thing over the years, though it never really shot well in low light. So not sure how much I want to invest in this, and if the video quality I get is gonna be worth the difference. Any suggestions which of those to go with.

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here's actually what's wrong with my TRV-19....


it seems recently that the exposure is always cranked up real high and I've tried setting the level in the camera lower but it doesn't make much of a difference. Here are a couple screen grabs from a uncompressed DV video file to demonstrate that.





I also had a chance today to get a hands on feel for both the Sony and Panasonic, and I absolutely love the OIS on the Panasonic, that alone is making me want to go that route, i also looked into possibly going with the GS80 instead of the 320 just cause I'm not sure I want to spend that much on the 320, and I can get a 32X optical zoom on the GS80 and still get the awesome OIS vs Sony's digital stabilization

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I have been using a cheaper Canon Elura 100 for the past few months (around $350 I believe). And I have been blown away by its quality. The low-light leaves more to be desiered, but that is going to be a persistant problem in any low-end camcorder. However for the price I cannot complain at all as the image quality is outstanding. You can check out some of my videos in the Amatuer Videographer forum to see some examples of the quality.


As for HD, at this point I wouldn't bother if you are planning on doing web-videos, but if you want something to really enjoy at home, or for much higher production values, then I guess if you want to fork over the price, go for it. At this point my miniDV still shoots at 720x480 and looks beautiful.

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Buy a Canon Elura 100. $ 350ish


Compatible with helmet cams A.K.A(lipstick cam.)

The Elura was my first DV camera and has been the best out of my two camera's

I also have a Cannon GL

I am the head camera man for Valencia High Schools morning TV

show, and the entire VTV department uses Canon camera's.


buy a Canon for a durable camera that will go every were and do anything.


Link on VTV


Video with Elura 100(Quality bad because of youtube)


Canon GL


Canon Elura 100

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