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The Greeley Experience [RCT3] - Download

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The layout looks like Rita more then it does a 4D. Is it a true 4D, or a Wingwalker?

Technically, a wing-walker. Mostly because the seats do not rotate.


The station is almost done, and the pre-show area will start soon!!!


Make sure to use My Waterpark Set!

I may. The only thing I would really need though is the intertubes. I just wish the buoy's were smaller. They are quite large....


kool, i cant wait to see the water park, i always sucked at making them


Is the new coaster launched, it kinda loks like it

I suck at making water parks too! But I have a bit of inspiration: I work at an indoor water park, and recent visits to Water World Colorado. I have a semi-theme to it. But mostly generic.


The new coaster will take Wii's place, that is all I can say


Thanks for all the comments!


I'll post the next update as soon as I can get my brother off of Worlds of Warcraft...

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Year 3

Opening Day Update


It has a few pops of air, but a definite re-ride.


More Soon


Next Update: Year 3 - End of season


First riders are NOT disappointed!


It's finally open!


The site of the old helix is close to the water park.


Not much of Wii is left standing...


Lifeguards will be hired soon and start training with in the next few months


Its going to be a great way to cool off.


Can't wait for the water park to open next year!!!

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I love the new coaster but one problem i have wiht doing them like that is than they trains are running backwards, like the riders are facing backwards. But it looks awesome. Are you going to add the custom waterslide supports into the waterpark??

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I love the new coaster but one problem i have wiht doing them like that is than they trains are running backwards, like the riders are facing backwards. But it looks awesome. Are you going to add the custom waterslide supports into the waterpark??

Yes, the riders do face backwards. If I could make them face forward I would. Im sure the ride would be much more comfortable for guests being upright facing backwards, then being upside down and facing forwards.


And yes, Iceatcs' Custom Slide Supports set will be put in soon! Same with Zeppelin's Launch Fin's. Those two sets will make everything look much better!


wait you said you werent that good at making water parks, that water park is awesome, i love how you made the slides cramped together like that, very realistic, can you post more pics of the newly opened coaster

You haven't seen the entire water park! I will post soon =]


Man what a great park. The water park looks awesome. Can't wait for the next update.

Thank you!

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Great slides you've build.

And the 4th dimension coaster doesn't look ugly at all. You are either lucky or a good 4th dimension coaster builder.

Thanks! Well that's a relief. Im glad it came out purty. =] I try and make every coaster, building, sidewalk, etc. as realistic as possible!


those waterslides looks awesome! good job

Aw, thank you. Those are just the body slides, haven't started the intertube slides yet...


You can make your 4D coaster forward, just make the ride suspended starting after it leaves the station, then flip the seats.

Yes, that was my original plan, however, when the Multidimensional track is 'upside down' block breaks, breaks, and chain-lifts aren't possible. That is why I choose to have it right up, so the train can launch and break properly.


Thank you all!

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Year 3

End of Season Update


A major update! New slides, new coaster, new problems!


One last shot to please your fancy.


More Soon


Next Update: Year 4 - Opening Day OR Year 3/4 - Offseason...


Meanwhile, Starbukcs is NOT losing any business! It's my favorite place to go sit, and watch Insanity.


Yup, you guessed it. That's Intamin and their safety issues again...


Uh Oh. Looks like Red Carpet Grave lost some LIMs! You know what this means....


Lifthill good-ness


It's one great ride.


The themeing is not completely done, that will be done over the off season.


You like all this sexy-ness? I do.


Right over the restrooms...


It makes me all hot and bothered...


What's that I see on the horizon!?


These new slide supports are SCHEXY!


That's quite a big drop. We will have to wait til the water park opens to see...


New slides are being added and worked on every day! Only a couple of more months til we can get soaked!

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Cool new coaster, but what is its name?


Also, where did you get the LIMs?

Uh, Im not sure on a name yet, haha. Some name other than Batman! I'll think of one eventually.


Those LIMs were from hotroddude's Park Xtraz.


I dare say... the new coaster almost makes me wanna go gay for it.. assuming its a guy of course.... but I'd guess that it is, it is a B:TR clone after all

Very good, yes, a B&M Batman clone.


Wow great coaster. It reminds me of Anaconda (Gold Reef City).

But mine is better


Thank you all!

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