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Six flags souvineer bottles


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And technically, the refills for the cup should only be good on the date you bought it. Taking it in other days is sort of cheating the system. There's no way to verify when you bought it though (unless they've changed cup styles), so they can't really do anything. Either way though, it's an abuse of their policy.

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^ Of course, the ingredients in a big cup of soda probably cost SF less than a nickel, and even factoring in the minimum wage labor cost of filling the cup, at 99 cents, we're still talking about a what, 700% markup? 800%? More? At the non-refill price, the profiteering is astronomical. So it might be hard to feel all that guilty about "cheating."

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I always brought it back with me when I went, but they used the same cups in 2005 and 2006. While it could be "considered cheating" until this year it said unlimited refills, and there was nothing about one day use. However, the sign advertising it at the food stands make it sound like one day use.

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Though it shouldn't be done, you could easily get away with filling it at other parks. I see people carry in bottles all the time, I even saw one dork using a bottle from the late 90s earlier this year. Of course, it is what I would consider cheating to an extent, especially if the bottle is a different size. I even once saw someone use a Sea World cup at Six Flags... talk about tacky.

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^ Of course, the ingredients in a big cup of soda probably cost SF less than a nickel, and even factoring in the minimum wage labor cost of filling the cup, at 99 cents, we're still talking about a what, 700% markup? 800%? More? At the non-refill price, the profiteering is astronomical. So it might be hard to feel all that guilty about "cheating."


It's this attitude that is the reason Six Flags is having financial troubles.


I personally blame you for the $15 parking.


Ron "Let's all buy a new bottle this year so parking will only go up to $17 next year!" Patton

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It's this attitude that is the reason Six Flags is having financial troubles.


I personally blame you for the $15 parking.


Ron "Let's all buy a new bottle this year so parking will only go up to $17 next year!" Patton


Actually, my bad attitude has been to blame for Kingda Ka's breakdowns, all those cases of head trauma caused by SF SLCs, and the guy falling off S:ROS.


The $15 parking, though, is somebody else's responsibility.


"I'd still be refilling the Mr. Six-head souvenir bottle if the cheesy plastic hadn't cracked" Shepp

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