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Tokyo Disney Resort - Coming Soon

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In order to celebrate Tokyo DisneySea's 10th anniversary, the park said they will open the flying simulator attraction Soarin' in Mediterranean Harbor. Of course since it's located in Japan, they'll have to think a way so they can connect it with Japanese. But don't get excited very much because Soarin' is only one of the choices they'll consider for the birthday.


It seemed, Tokyo Disney Resort doesn't stop growing. It was said that there's a possibility they'll build a new park but it's not located in the resort. It's in Southern Honshu.


Anyone knows more about this?


All infos are taken from www.screamscape.com

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Personally, I see Japan getting the long rumored Soarin' around the World concept that we have been hearing about for Epcot. If this were the case, the film would be shared with the other parks with Soarin's system...

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If this were the case, the film would be shared with the other parks with Soarin's system...

LOL!!! Just like the update to Star Tours we heard about 10 years ago, right?


I don't see Soarin's movie being replaced anytime soon. I'll put money on it now that it's at least a decade, maybe more.



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^ Considering it's taken them 25 years just to redo Canda's 360 film, France and China are still waiting for theirs, I'd say an "around the world" is a pipedream in the near future. Norway's is still rocking out in the 80's too.


Why would DisneySea need Soarin' anyway? It doesn't seem to fit in.....oh wait, it doesn't fit in at The Land either.

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I will believe this information as soon as I find a secondary source that is more believable than screamscape...hmm maybe someone on Micechat has posted something.


It was posted not to long ago. Just not a lot to go on right now.

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