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NL - Wooly Bear!

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Wooly Bear was created for a contest that gave us 3 weeks to design a rocket coaster inside a template on the side of a small hill with 2 or more unique inversions.


I had 2 weeks, since I was on vacation for one of them.


I got the track sent in with 1 minute to spare. I spent the last entire 2 hours converting the terrain to 3ds, creating a tunnel, creating and placing all the footers by hand and then doing all of the supports. Then tunnel testing. Then naming. It was a fiasco.



So, there are some minor shaping issues but overall I was very pleased with how it turned out. It pretty much just squeezed into the template and has a traditional course with some untraditional elements.


The unique twists are not so much unique, you go upside down - but its the entrance and exits to those inversions that makes them feel a little different - which was all I wanted.


The ride focuses on airtime when I could and powerful turns.



Enjoy your ride on the Wooly Bear! (Thank the Fiance for that name)


Wooly Bear3.nlpack

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No, it couldnt. Would have pulled too many lateral G's. I could have then made the track longer, but, its a rocket coaster - not a full length coaster. It still needed to have decent capacity.


I already increased the speed by 2mph on the launch from the original to boost the G Forces which are fairly maxed out for the ride.



Speed is nothing if the track isnt designed properly (AKA Milennium Force)

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No, it couldnt. Would have pulled too many lateral G's. I could have then made the track longer, but, its a rocket coaster - not a full length coaster. It still needed to have decent capacity.


I already increased the speed by 2mph on the launch from the original to boost the G Forces which are fairly maxed out for the ride.



Speed is nothing if the track isnt designed properly (AKA Milennium Force)


Not the beginning, more the end. The end was just a little bit slow. Nothing that bad though, and considering you did this in a week, I envy you beyond beleif.


*Bows to Real*

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Well, it may feel a tad slow, but watch the forces. The triple down ends with a -1.5 hill underground into a fairly high speed cork. The helix could have started low and ended high, but instead I opted to go high, burn off a little speed, only gain it all plus adding alot of positive G's only to hop up for one last burst of airtime.


When you start to understand why rides are made like they are (much like Voyage) then you can better see patterns like that. Plus, with the amount of rotational force the riders feel on that twist up to the top of the helix (pulling a fairly decent lateral of like 1.2 I think) I doubt speed would be on your mind as you get whipped through that.



Just things to ponder, I appriciate your comments.

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Good coaster... The only thing is the beginning was a little too fast for my liking. But that is not to say that it isn't a totally awesome ride. I try to keep my pacing (though I am still working on pacing) in the middle, I don't find it as exciting when I feel as though I am on TTD's launch the whole ride, No?

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That was GREAT fun! I always love a good compact rocket, and this one didn't disappoint me. The inversions caught me by surprise and the Stengel Dive was smooth and fun. The entire ride was out of control and totally added to the coaster's adrenaline. I loved the 3DS scenery and landscaping as well as the hidden rabbit hills in the tunnel. Nice layout and pacing!

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I don't find it as exciting when I feel as though I am on TTD's launch the whole ride, No?


No kidding, isnt that words to build by. Ive always favored a ride with fluctuating speeds and forces over one thats just one insane speed with constant and repeatable forces.

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