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Possibly venturing into Canada


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I may be going back to my old home town of Bremerton, WA next summer around the 4th of July with my girlfriend. While there I wanna hit the Fun Forest, Wild Waves, and PNE Playland in Vacouver. There is one thing I wanted to know about going into Canada, and that is if it would be possible for me and my girlfriend to cross the boarder and back with a vehicle that is not ours (i.e. a rental or my dad's truck or my grandma's car). I also wanted to know if it is now required that you have passports to go into and back out of Canada, or is that something that is being changed later/not being changed? I appreciate anyone's input!

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As to the car, I've driven another person's car into Canada the last few years. It was never a problem going in either direction. I also got a notorized statement from the owner of the car saying that I had permission to drive it into Canada and back. I never needed it, but it's a good safety net.

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Yeah, but we're consoled by the fact that we'll always be Canada's main team even if we don't win a cup in the next century and all other Canadian teams with 10 each.


It's nice to be in the centre of the universe.


If you got out of the black hole that only Torontonians think is the centre of the universe, you'd realize you're sadly mistaken.

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If you got out of the black hole that only Torontonians think is the centre of the universe, you'd realize you're sadly mistaken.


Hehe. Well the sad truth for Flames/Oilers/Senators/Canadians fans is that Leafs nation does in fact out number the other teams.


We're Canada's team in numbers wether the other teams want to admit it or not.


But I think we've gone on enough of a tangent.

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Sorry to break up your enlightening discussion But I actually have some expeirence with this.


I drove my dad's car into and out of Canada last year, and didn't really have any trouble, though I did get the third degree about it! The border guard when I was re-entering the States asked for my license plate number. When I didn't know it off the top of my head, he asked if the car was mine, and I said it was my dad's. I remember him asking me about where my parents lived, if they knew that I had it, how long they'd lived there, what my dad did for a living...just really random questions. I also got the third degree about who I had gone to see, how long I'd known him, where I met him, etc. And it definitely wasn't in a chit-chatty get to know you type of conversation. The guard actually acted like my answers hadn't been good enough to let me back in! He did of course, but he really acted like he didn't want to let me back in!


And regarding what ID you need, you need to bring a birth certificate (or certificate of birth abroad or whatever else you might have) as well as a government issued photo ID.



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If you got out of the black hole that only Torontonians think is the centre of the universe, you'd realize you're sadly mistaken.


Hehe. Well the sad truth for Flames/Oilers/Senators/Canadians fans is that Leafs nation does in fact out number the other teams.


We're Canada's team in numbers wether the other teams want to admit it or not.


But I think we've gone on enough of a tangent.


You're right. Enough about the Leafs and 40 years of some of the highest ticket prices in the league, longest season ticket wait list, and longest stretch of futility... We won't comment how the number of Leaf fans is directly proportionate to the number of stupid people in the world... which far outnumber the smart ones. That's quite enough of a tangent.

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I never thought about the whole rubbing it in factor.........but then agian I probably should refrain since I know how irritated i was when my step-dad rubbed the steelers "handed-over" superbowl win over the good old seahawks.


You think I could just use a passport and Driver's Licence instead of a birth cirtificate?

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