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Knotts scarry Farm


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You Lie!!!!!!!!! We go every year on the second friday they do the event, we get there around 6...they have a rope drop type thing, and then they let everybody in-but it was only 6:30, so they let us in the park a half hour early! we were able to hit the log ride and mine ride with no wait, and then went in a counter-clockwise order around the park-we were able to do everything! So, get there early, I'll see you there!

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Yeah, it'll probably be crowded. From what I've heard, every Haunt night is crowded...


That's why I'm taking advantage of this... I'm going on Monday, October 9th (a day with no Haunt that night), and since everyone will be going on Haunt days, it should be empty... Right? I hope it will be empty...

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Knott's Halloween Haunt

Friday, Oct. 6


Jimmy {Me!}, Ryan, Alex


Okay so Haunt on friday was AWESOME!!! We got to the park around 6:00pm and went inside and bought some merchandise. While waiting for rope drop {They do it here to} it was great to see all the girls get freaked by the monsters that were coming under the rope. so they dropped it at about 6:30 and we were off to Red Moon Massacre, the Halloween re-do on the log ride, themed to Little Red Riding Hood. It was fun, but since it was early, there wasn't too much talent yet. Across th way, we waited about 10 minutes for the Cavern Of Lost Souls, or the mine ride. Again, not enough talent, but that was okay. Afterwards, we hit Lost Vegas, a walk-on, and this is where I started to get alittle angry. "Collectable 3-D Glasses-$1!" So I bought, and experienced one of my favorite mazes of the night. Cool. So we get around to Bigfoot rapids, and I realize that the vendor sold me glasses from 2005. Ugh. Oh well. We decide to turn around and go see the Hanging. Always an excellent show and always un-Politically correct. "I'm Captain Jack Swallows. I have a very large deck. I have canon balls below me deck. And i absolutely love when people swab me deck..." You get the picture...Anyways, off to the Putz Prank Party and his great idea of prop comedy. Shooting kids with darts and having a giant marshmallow fight with the audience are key ingredients in a haunt show. So after that, we were gonna head over to the Asylum and Feary Tale, but the lines were just horendous, so we turned around and made a big circle through the Boardwalk. We were going to do the Grudge 2 Maze, but that was like a 45 minute wait. So back to the front of the park and Red Beard's Revenge. Always great with people jumpin down at you on bungee cords. Then we went to eat at Lucy's Lunchbox...DO NOT EAT HERE!!! If you do, please don't get the chicken fingers...I had extreme stomach pain for about another hour and a half. So after that, we come to the conclusion that Haunt is at it's peak because the wait to see half-naked vampire chicks in a rave was an hour...On to Terror Vision 3-D. My favorite maze of this year got us back on track for a night of great things. around to 13 Ax Murder Manor. It was alright. Nothing great. But Hatchet High totally impressed me this year. it wasn't crowded so we were continuously moving and I finally got some attention from the talent and it was just great. So then we went to go play some games and got in line for Hacks! The best show to ever come to Haunt. If you guys remember the D.U.H. show at DCA, you'll remember the people that do this improv show...If you want the full, un-censored, adult version of the show, PM me. Otherwise, it had me in tears for a good half of the show. Moving on, it's now 1 O'Clock in the morning and we have 1 hour to do 4 mazes. We ran over and hit Feary Tales, which was my friend Alex's favorite maze this year. After you get out of Feary Tales, they heard you into The Asylum. Crazy people a re fun to hang out with when you're stuck indide crowded hallways...Then The Grudge 2. To quote westcoaster.net, "Much emphasis on the creepy, but little Asian children meowing isn't too scary." So now we've got about 20 minutes and we run over to Lore Of The Vampyre and it was really late so there wasn't too much talent left in the maze. And we could've had time to do Dark Realm with Laser Tag, but we didn't. So then we walked over to McDonald's and I won some medium ries from the Monopoly game and a pocket watch from the drill game and Haunt is freaking great. Go buy your ticket right now. Ahora! Well i seem to have gotten this scroll bar pretty tiny, so I'll let you go now...Bye!


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Sounds like you had some great fun.


I just have one question for those of you that have been to the haunt before. I plan to go with my friends from the time the park opens at 10 and then to leave at 5:30 to walk to a place for dinner and then come back for the haunt. I know that I'll have to pay two seperate admissions but will have have to pay two seperate parking fees even though I plan on just leaving my car in the knotts parking lot from 10am to 2am?

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vjgx.....What in the world would make you go to Knott's during the day?! The park is really ghetto-i'm saying this and its my home park. and Haunt doesn't even sell out every night...Some people...
Two reasons:

I actually happen to like Knott's...

And I needed my Xcelerator credit (which I got on Monday) without waiting forever at Haunt.

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