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A good possibility for at SFMM Trip!

PKI Jizzman

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Hey guys, well I have a good chance to be at SFMM within a year. My cousin lives up about 1/2hr south of SFMW. Since I have never been out west, I thought I'd take advantage of a week in Cali and go to SFMM and possibly KBF. I know the park hours and such, but what would a better date be? Next Spring Break, Easter Break, or in June? I would try to stay two days, but it doesnt seem likely. I know that it would be rare to get a credit on Deja Vu and kinda hard on X. But oh well, SFMM has alot to offer and I wana see Six Flags at its best!!! Tatsu, Goliath, RR, X, and Batman already look really awesome and I want to get the credits. I would probabally go to Tatsu first for a 10 min line, then go to X and then RR, Goliath, B:TR, and then what ever. Where are good places to eat? What rides are the best at night? Where is the best place to ride in on the coasters? What isnt even worth a credit?! Give me all you can think of on SFMM and the coasters!


Thanks alot!


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I would have to say that psclone is not even worth it. I have been t SFMM many times and have only been on it once to get a credit, it is that bad. After that all the rides at SFMM are fun to me. Riddlers Revenge is a must, it is fun and the layout is prety sweet. I must be lucky but evey time I have been to SFMM Deja Vu has been open. Scream is a meh ride, floorless is really not that special, but if you have time you should ride it. I would recomend you leaving the park and going down the hill for wendys, much cheaper. If you go to Knotts you dont need to give yourself that much time. Hit up ghost rider, parilous plunge, axcelerater, supream scream and montazumas revenge. Dont even waist your time with the forceless coaster I mean Silver Bullet. I hope you have a fun time in SOCAL.

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Nope, I understand it is about 6-7 hours away.....We are prolly arriving in SFMM area, then heading up. Sounds like no chance for KBF. With SFMM prices, looks like we'll need all the money! Nothin looks special at KBF....been on Dragster, been on better Inverts, Ghostrider looks meh, and PP looks fun.

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^ I'd say Excellerator is much better then Dragster, even though it's half the size.


You actually get airtime on Excellerator instead of crawling over the top like on TTD.


Edit: You should be able to go to Knotts for not much cost. Since you live in Cincinati I assume you might be getting the Cedar Fair Maxx pass to get into both PKI and CP? In that case you would be able to get into Knotts for no extra cost. In fact depending on when you go the Knotts pass could be a cheaper option(if Knotts has the MAxx pass).

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I shouldnt have said the moey issue, it is mainly because we are out there to see our cousins and we will have one free day. If I had to choose between WDL, KBF, or SFMM, SFMM wins hands down.


What are the top rides there?



and there is airtime on Dragster....the whole way down

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Be at the gates at 9:30 or at least no later than 9:45. Run to X , do NOT run to Tatsu. This is something that I've been hearing a lot of people suggest. Unless you have no interest in X, don't run to Tatsu. After X, go to the back of the park. Make your way around. Perhaps after you've made one round around the park stop have lunch pick of Flashpasses. Then go back and hit Tatsu and any other big ride you missed. Hope this helps, have a great time.


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Of course this is all assuming that SFMM will still be open next year and not a bunch of cookie cutter houses. I think you should try and go to Knott's...it may not be the best park but the rides there are still really fun. And if SFMM is clsoed you can always just go to SFMW, since you are 1/2hr away from it.

Best time to go to SFMM is mid May...No lines and the schools aren't out yet but you can still get on everything that's "open"

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Awesome! Thanks for the info so far.


What I am interested in:

X!!! Heard so much about it and looks awesome....I want to ride a coaster better than MF

Tatsu - BORG is my only flyer so far, and I want a big pretzel!

Riddler's Revene - I Loved Mantis and Vortex, so RR looks like the king of Stadups

Scream! - damn I want to go on a floorless!

Goliath - looks awesome!

Deja Vu - I already love Face/Off at PKI.....lets go vertical!

Batman - <3 B&M

Superman - looks fun!

Viper - hey, I am an Arrow fan!

Ninja - looks like a good suspended!

Colossus - classic



What are the thrill rides/flats? All i know about is Freefall

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^ Well, except for a lot of the staff there, the selection in flat rides is probably the worst thing about the park. There really isn't any sort of a selection of them. Two of them are underconstruction until furhter notice. Those being Circus Wheel and Free Fall. I'm hontesly no fan of spinning rides, but I did enjoy my ride on Grinder Gearworks. Also found in Gotham city is Atom Smasher. You then have Sky Tower, which is open about half the time due to staffing issues. Although I have noticed that now that the park has gone to Fri,Sat,&Sun only scheduels, staffing everyone has rather improved. You have Spin Out, I've never been on it and I have absolutley no desire to do so. And thats just about it for flat rides, all spinning. Tea Cups and Weather Balloons in Bugs Bunny World; and let me tell you, those two aren't just for kids. So yeah, the selection of actual flats are rather small. The ones they do have all spin. So if your not a real fan of spinning rides; sorry.


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