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NL: Tremor Trip Youtube Video for Non-Nolimits Users!

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This is by far the BEST rollercoaster I have made in NoLimits. Its twisty and the layout isn't boring, a first for me I also speant much more time on this than my other rides, and I think I have the banking right!


PLEASE comment on it. I think I did pretty well. I can take critisism well so don't be afraid to be harsh.



Tremmor Trip.nltrack

Update 3.5

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There are about six or seven places that you REALLY need to fix your lateral or vertical g's. Ride it and watch for the yellow and red laterals and the red verticals.


Also, make your lift straight. Click on the middle section of the lift and press "i" to straighten it out.



Andrew C.

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There are about six or seven places that you REALLY need to fix your lateral or vertical g's. Ride it and watch for the yellow and red laterals and the red verticals.


Also, make your lift straight. Click on the middle section of the lift and press "i" to straighten it out.



Andrew C.


Thanks for the advice, but there are only four sections with high lateral g's and they aren't sustained, and only one with vertical. I did straiten out the lift... hmmm... I'm going to do that again. I'm removing the middle vertex.


I dont usually downlaod coaters but i downloaded this one and it told me that "could not load track"


Hmm.. this isn't a track pack, I don't know how that happened. Try again.

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