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[NL] Thunder Run Ride Layout Questions

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I dont want to be rude but you have alot to work on. First of all you really need to work on you banking. That really effects the overall outcome of the coaster. Second try making your curves a little bit more even. For example, the turn-around at the very begginig was pointy instead of circular. Third, you need to keep the banking of you turns out of the hills. I had the same problem too but I solved it by spliting the segment and starting the banking later, or ending ot sooner. Bu the way the previous poster was right about the hills. That would scare the hell out of people in real life. lol

Please dont let my post hurt you. You have potenital. Post the finishes project and i will get back to you.

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I dont want to be rude but you have alot to work on. First of all you really need to work on you banking. That really effects the overall outcome of the coaster. Second try making your curves a little bit more even. For example, the turn-around at the very begginig was pointy instead of circular. Third, you need to keep the banking of you turns out of the hills. I had the same problem too but I solved it by spliting the segment and starting the banking later, or ending ot sooner. Bu the way the previous poster was right about the hills. That would scare the hell out of people in real life. lol

Please dont let my post hurt you. You have potenital. Post the finishes project and i will get back to you.


I can take critisism fine man don't worry. I figured that this isn't up to my standards and I started a hyper coaster that is M.U.C.H smoother than this with WAY better transitions and only one red- G spot that I'm trying to fix atm.

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I'm Pretty sure it's SFKK because pcw's version Sucks Mercilously Also because it spends pretty much the entire ride inside the mountain it makes it almost imposible to do in NL. Hey just because I'm PCW freak dosent mean I have to Love it! In fact i should be la ronde freak from now on!

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