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About Your_Coaster_News

  • Birthday 10/17/2000

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    Southern FL
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  1. Thought that dude with the bike was the Dutch PM, Mark Rutte for a quick second. He’s been known to ride his bike around on days with good weather. Altogether, this is a really good TR. PS, the chamber for the House of Representatives and the Senate are somewhere in the back of the Binnenhof complex I think. Also, if you saw an octagonal-shaped tower attached to the Binnenhof that was most definitely the Dutch PMs office.
  2. I’ve been reading your stuff on here (still have not finished, will try not to) for a while now Andy. I absolutely love your TRs (personal favorite is your TR from the 2013 TX/Midwest Trip). You always have interesting stuff, and this TR is no exception. I love all the architecture and interesting points in the Benelux and France. If I were in the Netherlands, I’d visit the Binnenhof, in The Hague, the official seat of government in the Netherlands. Now, before I get into Dutch politics (I’m American). It’s a really interesting building. You definitely wouldn’t think it was a government building. Can’t wait to see more!
  3. Absolutely agree here. Now, I went later in IBs life, but I could still feel it. Not so much, but a little bit, if it counts. I could tell this place had a history and a charm unlike any other park I’ve ever been to. I was extremely sad to hear about IBs closure. (I think I said that already, but I’ll say it again) It will forever be one of the great American theme parks.
  4. Dang. After 94 years, Indiana Beach has closed. I only went here twice, after seeing it multiple times here on TPR and seeing just what IB was all about. I had family in a little town nearby called Delphi, and many of the kids would have summer jobs at IB. Anyways, the two times I went I had some of the best fun possible. It’s got a permanent spot on my list of top theme/amusement parks. So long, Indiana Beach. You will be dearly missed.
  5. This looks incredible! Can't wait to see more. I would make the buildings on the midway (Dodgems, that stuff) a bit less block looking though.
  6. Looking amazing so far! Really hope to see this continue! Also, go Green!
  7. Hi. I'm Myles, I'm from Michigan, *cough* Michigan's Adventure fanboy *cough*, I love the coaster enthusiast community, but unfortunately, I have some trouble riding coasters. I'm looking towards getting rid of that fear sometime soon, though. Oh, and I'm MOS Certified.
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