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Posts posted by s2pids2

  1. I used to be terrified of Rollercoasters, but yet I would still design them and make models. I have always been attracted to the elements that tie together a good ride, and I think from that and the whole design aspect I really held a strong appreciation.


    My parents always supported my interests, and since I can remember my family has been visiting Theme Parks all over the globe. It's kind of our family tradiotion, as my sister and father love thrill rides too. I used to be like my Mom and hated coasters, but now she stands alone. poor mother.


    During the Raging Bull construction at SFGaM, I kept bothering my friends about it and hyping it up and no-one would really understand why. To them it was just a ride, to me it was creativity in motion. I turned a few of my freinds into coaster geeks too, so much that we toured around the US a bit visiting a few parks. Great fun. Want to do it again.

  2. Looks like this sort of thing is the the future direction the new SF management will be taking, anyhow. If it weren't for the prospect of visiting other SF parks with my AP, I think I'd just forget the pass this year, go to PGA for rides, and get my animal jollies at the San Francisco Zoo.


    I know how you feel, but at least your lucky enough to live by a park. I used to live 20 minutes from SFGAm...and now I live in Dundee, Scotland.


    AP's were always a good investment.

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