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Posts posted by s2pids2

  1. ok... this wasn't while I was at a theme park or anything, but it was sort of near a tourist attraction in Scotland.


    scene: I'm on the train to Edinburgh, and the train is pulling into the station which is right next to the Edinburgh Castle.


    American Lady: Oh wow that's such a beautiful sight!

    Me: Yeah it's one of Scotlands greatest landmarks.

    American Lady: It's so convenient how they built the castle right next to the train station.

    Me: .....yeah, you should have seen the invading armies who turned up via train.


    the whole car laughed, the American Lady joined in and said...


    American Lady: I wonder if Braveheart rode on these tracks.




    yeah, it was just sad then and now she's part of a funny story. i hope she learnt something on that holiday! afterwards i realized that railways were the main reason as to how most citys were born in the US...so I saaw her point of view. Still...Braveheart on a train and England invading Edinburgh Castle via the London Express is hilarious to hear.

  2. i remember going to Dollywood years ago with my father, we traveled all the way from Chicago just to go back there and have a fun weekend. checked the web site and everything to make sure the park would be open, and it said it was going to be, but alas when we got there it was closed and not a person in sight. ruined the whole purpose of the trip.


    i'll end that story by saying that Pigeon Forge isn't the most exciting place on earth either.

  3. i agree to break it down by park, but i would have to say that overall my least favorite ride is the new Journey into the Imagination. I miss the old version, the innocence, the creativity, and the music. any of you younger ones ever wonder what's at the top of those winding stairs at the ride exit, inside the glass pyramid? the original interactive play area "The Image Works," that i loved oh so much!


    on ride video.


    - part 1



    - part 2



    - part 3


    part 3 shows you the interactive area too at the end of the video.

  4. rather upsetting news, but I saw it coming.


    After going to Disney Quest in Chicago for the first time, I was intruiged. Needless to say I'm not surprised the Chicago one closed only after a year, but it does however make sense to have DQ in Orlando, especially at Downtown Disney. After a day of theme parks, water parks, and lots of walking...its a great place to go especially when the weather is bad. However, it was only entertaining if you had the Ultimate Park Hopper Pass...where you go to go in for free as many times as you wanted. You can't go wrong with their great quick service Italian resteraunt on the top floor, over looking Buzz's Bumper Blast. I forgot the name, but their sandwiches were yummy!


    Overall, I'll be sure to check out ESPN Zone when it takes over. If it's anything like the one in Chicago, then I will avoid it all costs.


    Food poisoning sucks.

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