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Posts posted by s2pids2

  1. I've never been to this park but it is high on my list, especially with this coaster being built. It looks great fun.


    I don't know if anyone posted this link yet, but there are more pictures here.



    EDIT - And seeing as no-one is really sure of the layout of this ride, here is a better picture to give you an idea of the space (or lack there-off) the ride takes up. http://www.onride.de/onride-upic53949


    Some nice themeing too!


  2. The US Embassy are a pain to work with, mostly becuase they are so slow in getting back to you. You can understand why though with terrorist security and whatnot. Still, it's a pain in the butt expecially when you make plans and then have to reschedule....wasting time and money. I also found them to be very rude and not very helpfull.


    Luckily, my dad used to work for the British Consulate so things were processed a lot quicker...but still slow.


    Hang in there, it'll all work out eventually!



    EDIT - Sorry, I forgot to mention that when I graduated High School I was invited to study at Disney Studios and Skywalker Ranch, but unfortunately couldn't afford either one of them. I did get to tour around Disneys property though for their CM's, and it really is amazing and a fun envoronment. I made a few friends there in the few days I visited, so you'll have a blast! Follow your heart and you'll do ok!

  3. ^That was really sad.


    I've never ridden it.

    I've seen the videos.

    Im going to take my OWN OPINION of the ride and that is that.

    I WANT to ride it.


    Certain rides in this world are going to be better than others, and it all comes down to the individual experience. If you hated it...fine. If she loved it...fine. Get on with your life and just be happy that you rode it and got to experience something that others haven't yet, and maybe never will!!


    Everyones entitled to an opinion, but it's when you try and force an opinion on someone else that it just gets pathetic. There's no point in trying to act all macho about the facts.


  4. ^ Just noticed you're from Chicago, which is where I moved from. (Glencoe,IL).


    Anyways, many thanks for the tips.


    I know that if you stay at the Anmal Kingdom lodge you get a few extra hours in DAK, just for resort guests on certain days, which means it's EE time!! Also, if you book a trip from the Disney UK web site, it's a lot cheaper than the Disney USA web site for some reason.


    If I book a room from the Disney World USA site for a week at the AKL, it's around $9,000! However, If I book a room from the Disney World UK site for a week at the AKL, it's around £2,500....which is equivelent to approx $4,000. Almost half price!


    ...and thats for a one bedroom Savannah Sunset suite! Odd.


    Has anyone stayed at this hotel before?

  5. I have never taken a POV, but I can understand the parks rules and safety regulations. You don't want someone dropping a camera off the top of Kingda Ka and onto someone head.


    If I were to do it, I would ask.

    Im a mamma's boy!

  6. So I have been going to Disney World each and every year for a week + at the begining of June for the past 5 years, and I want to make this years trip very special. I didn't get to go last year since I was moving back to the UK from Chicago, and work has been driving me crazy these past few months...so I need a good break!


    I always stay at a Disney Hotel, and do the Ultimate Park Hopper Pass with the meal plan attached. (great option) But I know they have changed their system recently and wanted to know if anyone had some recommendations. I will still be jumping around between the parks, but don't think that the Water Parks and Disney Quest are included in that anymore. I think it's come down to 1 or 2 visits per person over the extent of your stay.

    Any suggestions?


    Also, I have always stayed at resorts by Epcot and the Magic Kingdom (caribbean beach, Polynesian Resort, Coronado Springs, etc.) making it a nice central location for all the parks. So this year I have decided to go to the Animal Kingdom Lodge, to kind of get away from things a little bit more and to try out this swanky hotel. I've been it it before, but only for the resteraunts....and I was impressed. Does anyone want to comment on this?


    Also, I noticed on another web site that you can get hotel discounts and upgrades though a code number that Disney issues out with their special offers via e-mail/ snail-mail. How do I get my hands on some of these? I've requested for a planning kit to be sent out, so hopefully it comes with one of them.


    Anyone stayed at the AKL before?

  7. Thank you! I've been looking for a review of American Eagle all day. The site I usually get reviews on specific rides/coasters from is down for some reason and I haven't found anything else yet except reviews of entire parks. I didn't really want to post a thread asking for reviews of a bunch of coasters, so your comment was very helpful.


    No problem.

    You'll find that while American Eagle is impressive to look at, there isn't really much going for it anymore. The blue side is best, if it's running, and make sure you hold on tight on the final breakrun...it has some good whiplash action! The lapbars and seatbelt could be a bit more comfortable though.


    Viper looks small but is really layed out well and has a few hidden surprises, plus it's gotten a bit rough over the years especially on the first 2 turns! (squeaky wheels). The seats are a tight squeeze, and the lapbars are ok.


    The RO's dont really check the restraints in this park, so you can get away with leaving it a bit loose to maximize airtime! Have fun!

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