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Everything posted by JPRIC01

  1. If this was actually 300 million dollars to build that is crazy! Does anyone know how much it cost to build some of the other highly themed coasters that are out there (Everest, Big Grizzly, Tron, etc.)? I'm kind of interested to see how it compares.
  2. Disney legend/imagineer Marty Sklar passed today at the age of 83.
  3. Sent Kentucky Kingdom a message on Facebook asking when the 2018/2019 announcement would be made and got this as a reply, "As far as I know we won't be announcing anything until later in the season/off-season." So I guess it's not coming as soon as we previously thought.
  4. Would love to see a Stranger Things themed ride put into a park. Maybe Universal could build it?
  5. Cyclos at Kentucky Kingdom. The amount of hang time on that ride is ridiculous (and terrifying)!
  6. Really excited that they're adding a new entrance for Hurricane Bay! Will be much easier to access that part of the park during hot days.
  7. It's actually funny that you say that because their was a twitter post that could kind of hint to that. Somebody asked Cedar Point to explain the I-box track located on sight and Tony Clark replied "Yes. Those are railroad tracks." You never know you could be right.
  8. Roller coasters I have ridden: Kentucky Kingdom: Storm Chaser and Kentucky Kingdom Kings Island: Banshee and The Beast (night ride) Cedar Point: Maverick and Millennium Force (even though it's not a roller coaster I'm also going to say Skyhawk as a 1-2-3 punch because WOW ) Roller coasters I haven't rode: Dollywood: Lightning Rod and Thunderhead Knoebels: Twister and Phoenix Phantasialand: Black Mamba and Taron
  9. Hey everyone, this is my first post since I've created my account and I just wanted to share a little bit about the recent trip I took with my mom here over the weekend (my second time to Cedar Point). First off, may I say that the employees at this park are absolutely amazing! Throughout the whole day they were hauling with loading and unloading. Not only that but they were so friendly and welcoming and made my trip one hundred times better. We arrived at the park around eleven after the drive from Louisville and went to guest services to buy my fast pass (I had been saving my money up all year and knew it would come in handy - which it definitely did). I rode a couple of coasters, including Valravn, and then headed over to Millennium Force. I was unfortunately underwhelmed with my ride last time but after riding for a second time - in the very front seat - I was pleasantly surprised. The ride was very intense (I grayed out at the bottom of the drop) and just overall fun. Next it was time to ride my favorite roller coaster of all time the one and only Maverick. My mom wanted to ride with me so I went ahead and waited in the two hour line but the ride made the time spent in line well worth it. Wow, this coaster is amazing! All that coaster riding made us hungry so we stopped in to the saloon restaurant in Frontier town and got some burritos (surprisingly very good). It was starting to get dark and I still had a lot to do so I decided to skip over my last ride on Mean Streak. After riding the rest of the roller coasters toward the front of the park I booked my way over to Maverick for - what I thought - would be my last ride of the night. The unexpected twists and turns of this ride and that main launch in the pitch black tunnel is absolute heaven. After getting off the ride I heard one of the operators say that it was 9:55 (5 minutes before the 10:00 closing) and thought that I could maybe make it over to Millennium Force. I sprinted over there, making sure to not get my hopes up to high, and when I got to the entrance they let me in (this shocked me considering that my home park is Kentucky Kingdom which closes the rides 20 - 30 minutes before closing ). I waited for the front seat and ended up being on the very last train of the night. Let me tell you that soaring through the dark Ohio sky with the wind blowing in your face at 90 mph was quite the experience. I had an incredible time at the park like always and can't wait to return. By the way, we got to make a quick trip over to Kelly's Island on our way home and that place is absolutely beautiful! Anyways, I just wanted to share my experience and I hope you enjoyed it I can't wait to start posting more on this site that I have followed for a long while.
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