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  1. Wow, that actually looks really good! It's about time they added something other than another Tornado clone.
  2. My vote's gonna go to Windjammer. Didn't it used to actually stop mid-course in high winds? Plus, rough as hell. Either that or Viper at SF Great Adventure.
  3. I'm gonna have to go with any of the B:TRs. They are just so compact, with such tight turns. They are pretty intense.
  4. XC?? Haha...who knows, though I heard its a bit better now. sfgadv02? I didn't know you posted here as well. I know this topic has been dead for a while now, so I'm not sure if there's another one or not, but I have heard that the ride is operating much more smoothly now. For how long that lasts, who knows?
  5. I've Googled (and Yahooed ) to the max, and can't find any photos, let alone any reference (besides RCDB), to Fantasia Special in South Korea, the world's only triple-corkscrew coaster. Does anyone know where I can get any pictures, or anything along those lines? Thanks.
  6. Hmm. Interesting topic. Now, I'm not like obsessed with ghosts or anything, but has anyone else noticed that many photos from TPR's TRs contain orbs. Now I'm not saying that every little odd piece of light is a ghost (I hate people who do that), but they seem pretty consistent. Most notably: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=23415&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=10&sid=c5b8b2b550501036dd6eb1f4dd2d01a2 (See photo of Robb doing the hula). http://www.themeparkreview.com/haunt2005/haunt1.htm (Many photos in this update contain orbs. Have a look.)
  7. All this downtime comes as no shock whatsoever to me. But if it's breaking down that much (I read somewhere it has to be reset after every 2 or 3 launches), then why doesn't TP just close it outright?
  8. Do S&S Space Shot/Turbo Drop towers kinda count? Cause if they do, Big Shot, Supreme Scream, and the one overlooking Niagara Falls at Marineland would get my vote. BTW, has anyone ever been on the one at Marineland? Is it really as impressive as they make it seem?
  9. Wow, that Superman floorless makes a really cool sound. Kinda reminds me of Venus at Space World, kinda like the wing howling. And that Coaster Express video was classic. One of my favorite bad coaster videos now. That thing is EVIL!!
  10. Pretty much any English translation of a Japanese coaster name is always interesting. Something like "Crazy Wild Speeding Bullet Car" usually results. But for actual names: BORG Assimilator, Kingda Ka (especially considering it's actual translation ), and Moonsault Scramble.
  11. Google is my best friend! I remember being a very new enthusiast, and was looking for a good roller coaster video site. I really wasn't expecting much, since I hadn't found many good videos yet, as my searches were unsuccessful. I typed in Storm Runner video, and it gave me a link to your video downloads page. I was literally drooling. It was like I had struck gold. And from then on, TPR is my favorite roller coaster web site. Actually, it was technically Yahoo.
  12. Nice update. Looks very similar to X to me, but a lot more "stretched out." Except that it has a full-full. And a bunch of other cool stuff.
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