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About ohcoasterguy

  • Birthday 04/15/1966

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  1. I asked KI today about my Fast Lane Plus I had bought earlier this year and the response I got was... "We have extended fast lane tickets that expired 9/7/2020 through 11/1/2020. If circumstances prevent us from utilizing the Fast Lane Program we will add additional refund information on the website." So that good news for Fast Lane unless something arises.
  2. For anyone interested in auctions, here is one for you. https://auctions.graysauctioneers.com/auctions/1-2A85C0/the-cedar-point-auction Supposedly they are cleaning up the town hall getting rid of antiques that have no ties to the history of Cedar Point to make room for new historical displays. And some other rumors I am hearing that is not going to make many people happy... - for the 150 anniversary the midway is being redone - removal of the sky ride - removal of Wicked Twister (going to another park) - maXair being moved to different location within the park - The old ballroom removed Maybe these aren't new rumors and who knows if any of this is true. I guess time will tell.
  3. - Cedar Point Avalanche Run/Disaster Transport Mean Streak Wildcat Mantis - Kings Island Bat (original) Demon King Cobra Son of Beast (with and without loop) Firehawk Scooby's Ghoster Coaster - Busch Gardens Tampa Gwazi - Universal Island of Adventures Dueling Dragons/Dragon Challenge - Six Flags Great America Iron Wolf Shockwave Tidal Wave - Six Flags Magic Mountain Colossus - Geauga Lake/Six Flags Ohio/Six Flags Worlds of Adventure Dominator (KD) Double Loop Raging Wolf Bobs Steel Venom (Dorney) Villian Big Dipper Thunderhawk (Michigan Adv)
  4. Just a quick rundown on my visit to KI Sunday. Weather good, tad cool, but not bad. Crowds minimal. I'm a platinum pass holder so got some early ride time on Mystic Timber before park opened. It was running great. Had lunch at the new Coney BBQ. Had the rotisserie chicken, mac & cheese and cole slaw. Good food, but it"s not cheap, but what food place in an amusement park is? Rant time. What is up with The Beast? If they add any more trim to the thing it will soon be an angel and not a beast. I rode it when it first opened in 1979, yes I'm old, and it was a beast then. An out of control beast. Yes I know it's getting old and there is a lot of wear and tear on it, but do we really need all the trims? It used to be one of my favorite wooden coasters, but it slowly sliding down the list. Any more when I visit the park, it's on my maybe list to ride. Night rides for sure. And while i'm ranting, I'm not sold on renaming Top Gun/Flight Deck to The Bat. I rode the original Bat. This is not The Bat. I know they are paying homage to the original, but it will never be The Bat to me, My count for only being there a few hours. 2-Mystic Timbers 2-Diamondback 1-Banshee 1-Top Gun/Flight Deck/The Bat 1-The Beast 1-Train 1-Boo Blasters 1-Eiffel Tower
  5. This was posted a few minutes ago. https://www.facebook.com/visitkingsisland/videos/10155897099648368/
  6. Thinking of possibly heading to Dollywood over New Years. Any suggestions, comments on rides/crowds?
  7. I've noticed the webcams have not shown the causeway or Mean Streak for the past couple days or so. May be time to start watching for the boat!
  8. Here is a little trip report on my first visit to Kennywood on Friday. Overall I had a good experience. Nice park with good variety of rides. Food I had was good (recommend the soft serve strawberry ice cream...YUMMY!) Now the bad part. What is the deal with operations, especially on the coasters?!!! I thought Six Flags was slow, but they take the cake here! I know I'm spoiled being Cedar Point is my home park, but really, how slow and how much screwing around can you do? The lines could have gone much faster if they would put some effort into their job. For instance, on the Racer, there was only ONE person checking BOTH trains and they took their sweet old time. Maybe the other operators were on break, but still they should have at least one person on each side especially as busy as the park was. Weeds! This park could look so much better if they would do a better job on the landscaping and a little paint wouldn't hurt either. Yes I know it's a small park, but I've been to small parks like Holiday World and everything there is pristine! As for the rides/coasters....here is my take on the ones I got to ride. I only got to ride them once due to time constraints (would have been able to do multiple rides if operations were faster). Sky Rocket....Had a fun ride! The second half a bit ho-hum. Garfield's Nightmare....It was ok. More for the kids. Kangaroo....LOVED IT! I haven't rode one of these since I was around 12 (over 30 years ago). Brought back great memories. Jack Rabbit....Not bad for old coaster. Got some nice pop of air on the double-down. Racer....Probably my favorite of the woodies. Ghostwood Estate.... One of the better shooting dark rides I've been on. Thunderbolt....Good ride. Was a toss up between this and Racer for favorite woody there. Noah's Ark....Always heard about it and wasn't disappointed. Great! Ice Age 4D....Cute movie. Pretty typical of the rest of the 4D types out there. Phantom's Revenge....OUCH! Sat around the middle of the train and those bunny hops about killed me. The big drops are great, but when he hits those bunny hills it jarred me pretty good. I was pretty much done for after that. Would have loved to have done more, but needed to be heading out. Maybe one of these days I'll get back there and operations will be better and I'll get on the things I didn't get a chance to ride.
  9. From their twitter... Kings Island ‏@KingsIslandPR 14h14 hours ago Over the river and through the woods to the train house we go. #KIProject2017 Another clue for the layout.
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