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  1. SuperMan: Ultimate Flight at SF Great Adventure when I was 14 and what a terrible one it was. Didn't understand all inversions aren't like pretzel rolls! I would end up not riding a ride with an inversion till Montu at BGT a few years later. While I'll ride it, I still give Ultimate Flight the stink eye.
  2. Flitzer at Jenkinsons Boardwalk in Point Pleasant, NJ. This quite possibly could of been the first "adult" rollercoaster I was on as a kid. It's also a 10 min walk from home.
  3. When I went to Dorney in a Sat in June (after kids got out) Wildwater Kingdom was slammed all day but the park wasnt too bad. We were able to do Talon, Steel Force, Thunderhawk, Demon Drop, Possessed and Hydra by 12:30-1 by getting there for opening. We later tried to reride Steel Force and the wait was about 30 mins. Stinger was not running and Possessed was up and down all day, but this was June. I think you'll be fine!
  4. In reference to your Dorney plan, I was able to ride Talon, Steel Force, Thunderhawk, Possessed, Demon Drop and Hydra (in that order) by 12:30 on a Saturday in June. So that's certainly doable if you are there for opening.
  5. I road it for the first time 2 weeks ago, I'm unsure if I found it amazing but it is very smooth. The transitions in Curse of Darkastle are far superior than Spider-Man or Transformers at Universal. Darkastle could of used some more practical sets and effects but I liked it. Refreshing in today's theme park world for a dark ride attraction to be an original story.
  6. I've been monitoring Impulse since I started planning my Knoebels day a few weeks ago. This is all accoring to their site so no idea how accurate it is but It was down for about a week solid but this Monday it said open for a few hours, down once when I checked around lunch, back up at dinner. All 3 times I checked today it said open-hoping it says open on Friday I grew up at traditional New Jersey boardwalks with traditional flat rides (Jenkinson's in Pt Pleasant is blocks from what was "home", but spent lots of time at Seaside, Wildwood and Ocean City). I enjoy flat rides but recently time constraints haven't truly allowed me to enjoy them other than at Great Adventure, which has mediocre flat rides to say the least. While at Dorney, Hershey, Kings Dominion, BG Williamsburg, and even Morey's I had a list of things that had to get done during the parks operating hours and for me usually, flat rides don't make the list. With that said, my boyfriend and I are the type to skip a kiddie coaster or duplicate coaster (Vekoma Boomerang, etc) to see a show, ride a dark ride, or just walk around and take photos. So I feel like Knoebels will work for us, I'm just concerned about disappointment. I'm a big preplanner when going to parks, I have a plan of attack for how to approach the day. For Knoebels I'm trying to figure out how to let myself just walk around and enjoy it without blowing through all my must do's by 1 o clock. I did that at Dorney and we ended up having a fun unplanned afternoon at the waterpark. I know this is probably a TPR no-no at Knoebels but I wasn't planning on getting the unlimited wristband. for what we want to do and how long we plan on being there I didn't think it was worth the price. My boyfriend wants to get the $40 worth of tickets for $36 but I think I may pick up an extra $20 book so we can reride and pick up some flat rides.
  7. The Great Nor'Easter @ Moreys Piers in Wildwood, NJ. Super rough for an invert, but as someone told me "it's a Vekoma Hang and Bang"- didn't understand that till I road it.
  8. As someone who had never been to Kings Dominion before, I had heard all about Shockwave and I found all of the complaints to be unfounded. Little rattle in the transitions but it wasn't terrible. I'd ride it 10 times in a row before I walk on Hurler ever again. It does have a lot more bite than Green Lantern at Great Adventure regardless of what it looks like. Green Lantern is too tame.
  9. I probably know the answer already but is Knoebels truly worth a 3.5+ drive from the New Jersey shore for a couple in their 20s? We haven't really been to a park like this before but have had fun everywhere else we've gone. This is last park other than Luna Park in Coney that's within a days drive and no hotel for us. We are thinking of going Friday and doing all the coasters probably minus Kosmo's Kurves. We will be doing Black Diamond, the Haunted House and probably the train. Any other must do's? We were going to eat at the International Food court but any food items not to miss? On an off topic note, went to Morey's Piers last Saturday and had fun. Road Great White (GREAT), Sea Serpent (typical) and Great Nor'Easter (major oww). Nor'Easter may be the most painful thing I've ever ridden and I hadn't heard anyone mention it. I love inverted coasters so I was shocked. Idk if it's old age or the train they were running but it was TERRIBLE. Fun terrible- I wouldn't miss it. Also @ Morey's don't miss their shirt shop ARTBOX, they sell these awesome shirts with the blue prints of the 3 major coasters on them. Bought Great White and Nor'Easter- very soft, fit well and were only $18 each with some discount they had running.
  10. It gives great airtime regardless IMO but it also depends on how taught your seatbelt is and which of the drop sequences you get. I find some give better air than others.
  11. Anyone been recently on a Saturday/Sunday give me an idea on how bad the wait times can be? We'll be there for Dominator at 10am and then be heading to Volcano & I305 but I want to figure how long it will take me to do the major coasters, Boo Blaster, Eiffel Tower & maybe see a show. We are usually 1 and done with coasters, maybe a reride on I305 if we can. No, thank you so much! That's very helpful!
  12. Heading out to Kings Dominion for the first time ever next week. Very excited. We will be at the park before opening in order to be amongst the first non season ticket holders in the park. What order should we ride everything? We want to ride all the major rollercoasters, Eiffel Tower, & Boo Blasters. We aren't currently planning to go Soak City at all. Is this doable on a Saturday? We plan on staying open-close if we have to.
  13. I don't think it's that weird. The suspense is usually far greater. I have never been more scared to ride something for the first time than Falcon's Fury.
  14. Thank you all for the tips. Are crowds Fridays any better than Saturdays? Did some rearranging at work so we could leave for Williamsburg Thurs night and could potentially switch our "historic Williamsburg" day and our BGW day. As for what we want to ride, we don't stop for every little kiddie coaster or flat ride but Tempesto, Apollo's Chariot, Griffon, Alpengeist, Verbolten, Loch Ness, and Darkastle are musts with Mach Tower and Pompeii being "if we have time". We want to see some shows, I take a lot of photography and we want to shop. As for the food advice, we are adventurous eaters and we'd like to try whatever the "best" or perhaps most authentic BGW offers. And last, any tips or favorite things? Plan of attack advise? (currently planning on starting at Tempesto and then Apollo's Chariot)
  15. I drove from Pt Pleasant to Hersheypark a few weeks ago on a Friday and it took us about 3hrs and 15 mins. Friday commuter traffic really killed us.
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