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Everything posted by RMC_Hoodie

  1. I didn't know that there was an exact height. I just remember Screamscape guessing it was about 92.5 feet. And of course it would get new supports. Remember, ACE was mentioned in one of the clues, and there is an ACE logo on the SFNE map next to Cyclone.
  2. NO! SFNE Cyclone's is being RMCed. That hasn't been confirmed yet. Instead of I-Boxing Cyclone, they might create a new wooden coaster from scratch. There is some land clearing going on across the street, which may be for storage space to replace the warehouse in front of Cyclone, which would need to be removed in order to accommodate a Goliath-type coaster. That balloon appears to be about Cyclone's height. "Texas Cyclone" is at least a possibility.
  3. If you want my hypothesis, Cyclone from SFNE is coming to the park.
  4. A while ago, I had this really strange dream about Six Flags America - a park I have never been to. In my dream's "history", the park once had an exact copy of the Cyclone at SFNE (which was the last remaining Cobb Cyclone coaster out of three identical triplets), but it was removed sometime in the 1990's and replaced by Roar. After somehow getting an aerial view of Joker's Jinx, I decided to ride Roar. Upon reaching the station, I realized that the ride had been modified. The station was now enclosed by a square metal building. The airgates were replaced by a big, metal sliding door that would let each group of 24 riders into the station. When the door opened, I walked in to pick my seat. The door closed behind me, and I realized that the train had not yet arrived in the station, and everybody else was still waiting on the other side of the door. There was no ride operator in sight, and the station was now decorated with weird animatronics and discarded factory equipment. For no good reason, I figured that it might not be safe to be in there, so freaked out and ran to the door. But then, the door opened, and the rest of the riders were let in. Shortly thereafter, the train had arrived. The train was given a crappy paintjob in which glittery metallic paint had been smeared onto the train with a paintbrush. I think it was supposed to be an abandoned subway theme. After we boarded the train, an announcement was made over the loudspeaker that said "Welcome to the Tunnel Roar!". I thought "Great... Six Flags pulled a Disaster Transport." Upon departing from the station, I saw that the pre-lift section was now enclosed in a tunnel filled with more old factory equipment. The tunnel was slower than it should be, and when we finally reached the lift hill, my alarm clock rang and I woke up.
  5. Maybe since it hasn't been well maintend at all, it will need more work to have it open around the right time For that reason, and, as another user mentioned, because of New England's winters. And to answer RCF's question, the Medusa Steel Coaster project also involved a lot of land clearing. Perhaps they're extending the queue. Why would Six Flags tear down a roller coaster to replace it with another ride when they already have a structure upon which to build a top-10 ride? Remember, Rolling Thunder, although designed by Cobb, was demolished under much different circumstances. It was a small, pedestrian out-and-back coaster that was largely obscured by it's neighbor El Toro. Cyclone, on the other hand, is a unique coaster that's still a major part of the North End's skyline. I'm pretty sure the Enterance is going to be where the rides original Enterance was. Near sky screamer. Probably. But they might extend the queue to pass into that new area and then through that passageway under the lift. I don't think the current queue is long enough for a ride like this.
  6. Maybe since it hasn't been well maintend at all, it will need more work to have it open around the right time For that reason, and, as another user mentioned, because of New England's winters. And to answer RCF's question, the Medusa Steel Coaster project also involved a lot of land clearing. Perhaps they're extending the queue. Why would Six Flags tear down a roller coaster to replace it with another ride when they already have a structure upon which to build a top-10 ride? Remember, Rolling Thunder, although designed by Cobb, was demolished under much different circumstances. It was a small, pedestrian out-and-back coaster that was largely obscured by it's neighbor El Toro. Cyclone, on the other hand, is a unique coaster that's still a major part of the North End's skyline.
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