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Posts posted by aeyrolet
Although I haven't ridden this one I did do the Season Pass Holders preview on Dare Devil Dive at SFOG on the 12th and was in the first 20 to ride and still had just over an hour wait. The ride was fun but next time we go both my wife and I agree we will not do the VR again. I wish SF would be a little more careful about the content as first and foremost from what I have seen here is that Shockwave and Dare Devil Dive don't differ much as far as the video and both land on the carrier the wrong way. Also in this one they had Air Force personnel there because as it was stated that this was a fighter pilot video. Well the Air Force does not fly off carriers. Just a little nit picky and most riders who know nothing of the military will never know about those mistakes. I will reserve my opinion on this ride until I ride it later this year as I will all the VR coasters in the US. But after DDD at SFOG I would rather be able to enjoy the ride without the VR. I get more of a thrill without. VR is not a bad idea and was enjoyable but I like DDD better without. Just sayin.
Last time I checked we also have never had an Alien Attack on Earth either. I don't think your reasoning is good enough not to enjoy this technology on this ride. It's fun and thrilling all at the same time. Who cares if the "workers" in the hangar never move or that the jets land the wrong way on the carrier, just enjoy the ride.
The headsets are a special design just for Six Flags that locks the phone into the headsets (they also added the loopholes for the additional head straps) You cannot remove the phone without the device to remove the locking mechanism, thus barring a catastrophic failure of epic proportions, the phone isn't coming out.
I notice that they have also added several security cameras in the station to deter people from trying to steal the headsets or phones. Remember kids Big Brother is watching.
The system also has wheel speed sensors to make sure you don't get motion sickness!
I was wondering how they were going to handle this potential problem.
You know I was surprised that I didn't get nauseous or feel sick after riding the coaster with VR several times in a row. I usually get a little grayed out during the two loops but I felt fine after several cycles. I'm not sure how it all works, but I don't see people getting sick being a problem.
I also attended the Media Day Event, and I have to say that the technology and the ride exceeded my expectations. The HD graphics were beautiful. I rode it about 20 times and several in a row, and I never felt sick or nauseous. The whole experience was a lot of fun!
Hey Chadster, where exactly were Catwomans Whip ride parts? I searched all over on Saturday and couldn't find them.
Magic Mountain is doing sign ups. Does anyone know where to sign up for the Season Pass Preview at SFOT? The website doesn't have a sign up sheet.
So rumors are swirling that SFMM is getting a Dive Machine, and now SDC might be getting one too. How many coasters can B&M produce in a year? Does that mean SFOT is not getting a Wing Coaster? Maybe we are going to be getting the T-Rex Coaster from RMC. Some things to consider.
I watched the special, just for the theme park info. Very little new info, they showed the concept art that has been floating around for a bit. They did show what looked like a concept rendering for a SW boat ride, as rumored before. The Mil. Falcone attraction really does sound like Mission Space. Maybe Space crossed with TSMM, where you keep score?
The "Boat Ride" doesn't seem like a boat ride, but more of a track less vehicle ride. In the video it looks like the vehicle spins around. I wonder if they would be using screens or real life audio animatronics.
Also I remember seeing somewhere that they would possible have "cast members" dressed up walking around so you really feel more immersed in the world.
We already know that no coaster is coming in 2016, someone screwed up and put 2016 as part of the link when it should be 2017.
They said VR coaster. which from what we seen coming to Alton Towers, is just a headset you wear while riding an already existing coaster.
Anyone else think it could be Runaway Mountain? Dispatch times are already pretty quick; each train only seats 12 people and it runs an unload and loading station. Return headsets at the return and they can be sent over to the loading area for the next guests. Of all the coasters in the park I think it's the most practical.
Runaway Mountain has the longest wait time right behind Batman. I really think this VR thing is a horrible idea for this park. Unless they can get the loading processes up to speed this whole thing will be a nightmare. It won't be worth the wait in the humidity and heat. Plus think of all the sweaty faces that are going to be wearing them.
JL was a test to see how the park handles high tech attractions, and IMO they didn't handle it well. Yes I know it was the first year and new technology, but IMO it could have been handled better. I'm not sure bringing more new technology into the park is a good move. Fix what you have before you more to new attractions.
I can't honestly say I've ever seen the waterfall at Revolution ever work. I'm assuming the entire system would have to be replaced in order for the waterfall and creek to work again and they figured it wasn't worth it. Oh well, hopefully the landscaping that goes in its place looks nice. I do wish that they start replacing some of the trees they have cut down though because they have cut down A LOT.
Overall I am a fan of what they have been doing though, the front area of the park has been looking pretty shabby for a while now. I'm also interested to see what the lights in the loop end up being, perhaps a sweet LED package that does the loop justice?
I agree i can't remember the last time i saw the waterfall working. Maybe when I was a kid?
Seeing as you guys are not from California, you probably don't understand how much hype there is behind being "drought friendly" right now in CA. Pretty much every city, corporation, and homeowner that can afford it is doing it because things are very bad and there's free PR to be had. You also probably don't understand how expensive going drought friendly really is without any rebates (a good looking drought friendly re-model of a small front yard is at least 10K), so Six Flags is probably paying more to re-landscape than to have just left it as is...
The water is recycled anyways, so I highly doubt the cost of maintaining/operating the old stream through the queue was that high to begin with...
Look, I hate SFMM as much as the next person, but you guys are getting ridiculous with the nitpicking. The SFMM thread is hundreds and hundreds of pages long, and I highly doubt there is a single mention of how nice the queue was. It's all about how terrible the ride was with OTSR's. You get the removal of the OTSR's and now you're complaining about removing a water feature you probably didn't even notice?!?!?
From what I was told this is was discussed by the park on the tour. The water feature areas would be used for new landscaping. As a fellow born and raised Californian I know the meaning of be "drought conscious." I loved Revolution's queue, but am excited to see the new updated version. Even if includes new plants were a waterwall use to be.
Something else not noted was the loop will receive chasing lights. The park is also working on creating an LED light-package that will reflect different colors off of the withe structure!
A few thoughts...
1) I am really digging the new color scheme as it gives the ride more POP. I was not a fan of the blue in the loop but I'm starting to like it.
2) Helpful Honda Express is a ridiculous name, but I am sure the wraps on the ride itself will be even more ridiculous.
3) Why are they getting rid of the water feature in the queue? I am not completely aware of how it looked before, but it seems like that is a downgrade. Then again, if Six Flags can't be trusted to maintain it, maybe removing it is best.
They are getting rid of all the water features because of the drought in California. They will be replacing these areas with new landscaping.
Has anyone seen the land that was cleared near six flags dr and cope land near 360? I was told by a friend that is an Arlington resident that he learned that it was aquired by the park when he went to an Arlington city council meeting. He claims they also got approval to demolish the strip behind batman. But I'm not so sure
Will my old home park finally get a new coaster? Time will only tell, but the park for sure needs another signature/custom coaster. The collection is getting a little outdated imo. Or maybe I should use the term stagnant.
With SFOT and SFFT hosting CC in 2017, I bet big things will be coming to both parks. SFFT will be adding a coaster to their Boardwalk area; finishing that renovation. I've been told that marketing for SFOT has already stated working on a new Coaster in 2017. I guess time will tell.
Does anyone have any idea if SFOT will be getting the new Six Flags Chinese Restaurant, Chop Six, replacing Panda Express? I know that SFMM is. I was just curious if all SF would be switching over.
Do any of the holiday meals/snacks work with the dining plan? Like the roasted nuts, turkey and stuffing, etc?
This will be my first holiday in the park this year and just curious what I'll be walking into.
No those meals are considered part of The Holiday In Park Event and not included with your Dining Pass. Kind of like Panda Express.
On a side note I'm really excited to see if Epic Cones comes back this year!
Yesterday I witnessed what I thought was impossible. One of our Members of TPR scored a 600,000+ on Justice League! Dude had 300,000+ just on the first screen! It was incredible. I wept tears of defeat on the steps of The Hall of Justice.
Please sir, post your picture. I know you'll read this!
I got the opportunity to ride this yesterday! It was a really fun! The seats are really comfortable and yet allow you to get plenty of air time. The ride itself is pretty fast and smooth. I loved the over banked turns and the steep drop backwards. This is a home run for the park!
With all the problems they are having with the Larson Loops, why do you think they would continue to put them in the parks?
Don't get our hopes up
Larson loops are reportedly all back open again. The problems may just be a thing of the past.
I hope not. I don't want one! Current home park is SFOT.
With all the problems they are having with the Larson Loops, why do you think they would continue to put them in the parks?
With digital content so easy to create these days, I really wish Six Flags would create content for each specific park that has a ride from that actual park! Would it really have been so difficult to have a picture of Twisted Colossus instead of something that doesn't look like any ride at SFMM for this ad?
I think this may be a teaser pic of the All New Twisty Colossus Jr. Coming in 2016.
I have to say, I've been very impressed by the TC crew. But they need to be armed with the tools to make dispatching the trains much faster. A test seat, mandatory storage units, and a strict loose article policy.
TC and YOLOcoaster need video screens to show the loading process (including seatbelts).
Otherwise, I don't care how good they are, it's not going to work.
I think every RMC Coaster should have a seat outside of the entrance for people to test.
Phantasialand Discussion Thread
in Theme Parks, Roller Coasters, & Donkeys!
How many trains will be on the track all at once?