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Posts posted by aeyrolet

  1. Hey, I'm going to this park tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday for the first time. Just a few questions:


    1. What should I ride first?

    2. What crowd should I expect?

    3. Any rides closed this weekend?


    1. Riddler Revenge (yes it's flat, but it also draw longer waits than any of the coasters)

    2. Near capacity.

    3. Nothing scheduled.

    4. Buy a flash pass, gold edition.

    5. See Ariana’s Nightmare

    6. Try to get a good spot close up to the Carousel for The Arrival at 7pm.

  2. Just curious...what reason is it that they will not let you ride in the back seat alone? This was on NTAG. My wife was a bit sick so she skipped NTAG when we were there Friday, she skipped over train to wait for me. They pulled someone out of the seat in front of me and put him with me.

    The park has put into place a requirement that two people must be placed in the back of the coaster in case of an incident. With two people in the back, they will have two sets of eyes.

  3. If they were to remove it however, I'd much prefer another large multi-looper in its place than a dive machine. Possibly an Intamin that takes the inversion record or sets some other records like viper did.


    Why? Doesn't SFMM have enough inversions as it is? In fact they hold the record for most inversions at a theme park with 36. King's Island comes in 2nd place at 25... SFMM already has 11 MORE inversions than any other park. I'd argue that they should move away from inversions, not get ANOTHER multi-looper cough...ScreamRiddler'sViperBatmanTatsu...cough.

    Starting next year, they will actually have 37 inversions as the Flash builds a loop in the JL:BFM Ride. "Loopty Loop coming up!"

    But is it really an inversion? Let's argue about that for the next 6 months!

    First Rule of The Justice League: Don't question members of the Justice League. If The Flash says hes going to build a Loopty Loop, than you are going to be flying through a Loopty Loop!

  4. If they were to remove it however, I'd much prefer another large multi-looper in its place than a dive machine. Possibly an Intamin that takes the inversion record or sets some other records like viper did.


    Why? Doesn't SFMM have enough inversions as it is? In fact they hold the record for most inversions at a theme park with 36. King's Island comes in 2nd place at 25... SFMM already has 11 MORE inversions than any other park. I'd argue that they should move away from inversions, not get ANOTHER multi-looper cough...ScreamRiddler'sViperBatmanTatsu...cough.

    Starting next year, they will actually have 37 inversions as the Flash builds a loop in the JL:BFM Ride. "Loopty Loop coming up!"

  5. I wouldn't be so sure that this is for a new bumper cars ride for a few reasons: the permit was applied for in December 2015, issued in January of this year, and expires in December of this year. That doesn't sound like something new for next year. The old bumper cars building had been used for a haunted house and was demolished because the city would no longer permit for such use. I think it's more likely that this permit is for a new, semi-permanent building for a haunted house on the old bumper cars site and the label "Bumper Cars" is being applied purely for geography reasons. Finally, the park is listed as the general contractor. It's highly unlikely that the park would build a new ride or the structure for a new ride in-house, but they typically do the haunted house construction in-house. That's my two cents.

    The old bumper cars building is gone. It was demolished to put in Catwoman whip. The bumper car site no longer exists. So no you wouldn't put in a temporary haunt on the site because CatWoman Whip is there now. The bumper cars may be being built next door in the Strip Mall. Add them and new restruant and maybe retail and a new indoor queue for the S&S Free Spin going in front of the building.

  6. Oh and for what its worth here is the general idea of how much land has currently been cleared. (marked in red)

    The isolated area is where the hillside was slightly dug out next to ThuNderaTion for the construction trailer.


    I was told by a park employee this past spring that the back area with Lady Bugs, Happy Frogs, and Wings of Wonder were going to be removed for the new ride. It coincides with your photo.

  7. I doubt MM is getting the dark ride and i hope they dont, seems like a waste of real estate impo

    I frankly don't understand why so many people are against receiving this dark ride. Sally Corp has done an amazing job and I think its a great addition to any Six Flags Theme park. Yea I know Disneyland and USH are right down the road, but Six Flags is a great place to experience this type of state of the art technology too.

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