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Posts posted by aeyrolet

  1. I'm thinking about coming to the park sometime during a week in July. I have a few questions --


    1. What week would be the best? They're all hot.

    2. Is a flash pass worth it? Is using toilet paper worth it?

    3. Where should I stay? I would suggest a hotel

    4. How many days does it take to do the park? Depends on if you are a credit whore or like to enjoy a park

    5. What rides are must rides?Batwing, Gold River Adventure

  2. Being that I'm not from around SFOT, I'm trying to really pinpoint the new rides locations. I understand Revenge occupies Flashbacks former plot, and Whip occupies the former Bumper Cars plot. Is there "expansion" room behind or near Whip? Just to be clear I'm not referring to the area the Mall is on. Just the area near the new additions.

    The area ends at the beginning of the parking lot of the strip mall. They put in a new fence around it.

  3. Hey TPR, I had the opportunity to attend the Gotham City Commercial Shoot this past Saturday. I was able to ride both Riddler Revenge and CatWoman Whip several times. Both rides are a great addition to Six Flags Over Texas. Riddler has some amazing speed and awesome air time! CatWoman is a ton of fun and is a great family ride. Here are some photos I took of the rides. I'll also be attending the Media Day event to morrow morning. I know Chaster will probably be covering that for you guys, but I may be able to get some additional footage for you.


    This whole area of "New Gotham" looks amazing. The entire area looks incredible at night with both rides having light packages. They are also building a stage off to the side in between Riddler and Harley Quinn. This will be a place for night time entertainment. This summer, "New Gotham" will be the place to be at night at Six Flags Over Texas!









  4. ^Yes, I mentioned that in one of my earlier posts. The Endeavor 48 is also called the Giant Endeavor. And those 48 seats not only allow you to sit next to your friends, but they also allow for tremendous rider capacity!!! If you watch YouTube videos of the Coney Island Endeavor you can clearly see it only has the single seating. It also appears smaller than our Giant Endeavor.


    I must of been absent that day you wrote that post, because I missed it. I apologize. Cheers for shorter lines because of larger capacity! Whoo hoo!

  5. Actually, I'm not sure which ride I'm looking forward to the most. Both look great!! We all know how good these Giant Discoveries are but how many of us have ever ridden an Endeavor? I have ridden the old Huss Enterprise rides many times, but never an Endeavor. But just looking at the ride when I'm at the park, it looks to me like it would be incredibly fun to ride.


    If that's true then having both of these rides added at same time is a fantastic upgrade to our parks ride collection!


    A little unknown fact, Six Flags Over Texas is the only park in the world to have an Endeavor 48. The standard Endeavor 24 only allows for riders in a single line, where as the Endeavor 48 has two seats side by side. This allows for you to sit next to your friends and family.

  6. Also, Six Flags has not deviated from their capital investment strategy within the last 5 years or so and there is no reason to think they will start now. So no, the park will definitely not be getting Justice League and a large roller coaster in the same season.


    I feel like a better use of money, would be a new ride and an overhaul of an existing ride. ie. Viper or Riddler's Revenge. I say this because SFOG is getting new themed area and they are painting and getting new restraints on their Ninja ride.

  7. I dunno, man. Has anyone considered yet that SFMM would get both a T-Rex and that Justice League ride?


    Given that Universal, Disney, and Knott's have all invested an assload into their parks, it seems like high tide for Magic Mountain to make a new land... Like, what my ultimate dream would be is if they opened up the land between DC Universe and whatever they call the Riddler's Plaza. Someone somewhere mentioned Aquaman somewhere for Tidal Wave and I like that.


    But why not both? Why not a 400 foot T-Rex that's Joker themed and a new Justice League dark ride? Disney's adding Star Wars, Universal added Harry Potter, and all these new DC movies are coming out so it seems like a good time to make something big happen.


    Do it up right!


    I could see the retheme to Aquaman, but I doubt Six Flags would give MM Justice League and a T-Rex in the same season. I think MM will do Justice League in 2017 and a dive coaster or possibly T-Rex in 2019.


    I could definitely see a retheme to Tidal Wave to Aquaman as seen here in SFOT. That would help tie in that Riddler Plaza to the rest of the DC Universe.

    Park attendance was up for most of the parks last year, so the parks have a bigger budget to spend on rides. I've heard mixed rumors that big things are going to be coming in 2017. I don't agree that SFMM will get two new big rides. Maybe a JL:BFM and possibly a Zamperla Giant Discovery, but not a coaster and a 4D dark ride.

  8. Here are a few picture updates on the new rides from this past weekend. This Tuesday is the commercial shoot. Next Tuesday is the media day. They have not announced a date for any season pass preview events, but they will probably be like Thursday and or Friday May 26th or 27th.


    Harley Quinn got some added themeing to the back fence.


    The Riddler Revenge now has a sign.


    New trees and rocks are going into the back area.


    A closer look at the new Riddler Revenge sign.

  9. Aside from the dive parts, how is the rest of the coaster different from any other sit down B&M? Why would they simply want to add another looping coaster? SFMM has stated that they are looking to complement their collection not necessarily have the most coasters, which is why added the rather mediocre Scream.

    Based on that theory, then a state of the art 4D Dark Ride would be a perfect addition to the park. Get ready for battle Southern Californians!

  10. Here is some construction pictures from my recent visit this past Mother's Day.


    Johnny Rocket's is now open. They have a lot of the queues on the rides set up. It looks like they still need to add sun shades though. The signs for the rides still need to be installed. The whole area has been paved, and new lamp posts have been installed.


    Johnny Rockets is now open.


    CatWoman Whip


    new sun shade structure.


    new lamp posts are being installed


    New sign needs to be installed


    Riddler Revenge

  11. When I first put on the headset I saw the collaborate message on the screen but I was too busy trying to adjust the straps and get a good fit. Finally when it was time to ride the on screen display was blurry and I couldn't re-collaborate so the blurriness made me very nauseous to the point where I almost took it off during the ride. Also because I could hardly see my gun "broke"? so most of the ride my plane was just flying and I couldn't shoot. Anyone have that problem? I overheard someone else after the ride say she could hardly see because it was blurry also.


    Parking lot was 1 1/2 sections full. Most rides a walk on or 1 or 2 train wait.


    To focus your headset you use the button on top of the headset. roll it back and forth until the scene comes into focus. Your gun was suppose to break so your pilot can take over shooting and you could enjoy the ride.

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