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Posts posted by SFNE Fan

  1. Minin' away

    I don't know what to mine

    I'll mine this anyway

    In this Minecraft day

    So beautiful, mine further down

    What's that I found?


    Mine diamonds

    Mine diamonds

    I'll mine them

    So far I've got two!


    So easy to mine

    With my Minecraft pickaxe and shovels

    Hopefully they stay

    In my Minecraft chests

    So I'm gonna make

    A lock on it


    Mine diamonds

    Mine diamonds

    I'll mine them

    So far I've got two!


    All these diamonds

    Sittin' carefully lay

    I'm getting worried

    If they might get stolen

    From my ender chest

    Wait, who is that?

    Holy sheep, it's Notch!


    Mine diamonds

    Mine diamonds

    Now they're safe



    Now that they're safe


    Mine diamonds

    Mine diamonds

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